QtCreator crashed and now will not start due to segfault
Hello everyone, I'm having a bit of a struggle liking Qt-Creator ever since it crashed while I was working on it. I've re-installed Qt several times, but nothing is changing. Are there some hidden config files I should be removing? Does anyone else have this problem?
Hi and welcome to the forums
What version of Creator and what Os ?I have not have it crash for a long time (years)
so most likely something else wrong.What are you doing when it crashes ?
Also could you try upgrading your gfx driver ?
Qt-Creator 4.7.0 on Windows 10
I think I overloaded it clicking on settings(not exactly sure though)
I don't think the gfx driver's an issue because it was running fine yesterday, and I haven't had anything change on my machine. -
Ok, if it was working yesterday. then cant be the gfx is no windows update
or anything.Can you still reproduce it ?
Yes, Qt-Creator just won't open at all, even after I re-install the entire thing.
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to TMcSquared on 9 Aug 2018, 15:10 last edited by mrjj 8 Sept 2018, 15:10
Ok, that is odd.
there is
which can be left over even if reinstall.It should be pretty safe to delete, but Creator will forget anything then.
I've deleted those already between installs
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to TMcSquared on 9 Aug 2018, 15:20 last edited by mrjj 8 Sept 2018, 15:22
and it still crashes ? wow. thats new.
Do you have sessions enabled ?
also , have you tried starting it from a shell (cmd)
to see if anything is written ?also when starting in cmd.
try adding
-noload Welcome -
I get a segmentation fault when I run it from the cmdline both without and with arguments.
There's, oohh, a 1% chance that if you try running Qt Creator from within a debugger like Visual Studio (if you have that...), when it faults you'll get enough information from the stack trace to hazard a guess as to where it's going wrong... -
I just debugged it and got this: Exception thrown at 0x670E5DA7 (Qt5Core.dll) in qtcreator.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x7E5B8721.
Is it possible that the wrong Qt DLLs are loaded? Have you changed the PATH environment variable, for example?
Hmm I'll try adding it to the PATH xD
EDIT: that didn't work
No, that's not what I meant! I meant, have you done before? Or have you installed some program that did?
Take a look at qt.conf in the creator/bin directory. If it's corrupted then plugins wont load.
It's not corrupted because it's a clean install
The try wiping out the creator files under AppData\Roaming\Qtproject
already did that.
Best guess is that it gets wrong QtDLLs maybe via
path. -
My PATH variable has zero Qt paths in it. even after a clean install.