QT VS Tool for Visual Studio 2017 setup invalid debug path
Qt Creator and other tools
I have installed the QT VS Tool for Visual Studio 2017 (Version 15.7.3) to import project from QT Creator. I have been successful to import to Visual Studio the imageviewer QT example from the .pro file. I am using Qt 5.11.1 with msvc2017_64. I am able to compile successfully. However, when I start to debug the application with Visual Studio the QT DLL shared libraries path are not resolved. The environment path is set to PATH=$(QTDIR)\bin%3b$(VCRedistPaths)%PATH%$(LocalDebuggerEnvironment). I would expect %3b to be a dot comma. And maybe the QTDIR macro is not defined. Unfortunately, I cannot overwrite the definition of the environment path since the property is overwritten every time I start the debugging session. How can this be fixed?