Using QStringListModel as model in ListView
Hello everybody. I'm currently playing around with Qt Quick. I'm trying to write an remote control application for qBittorrent. Through its web API it is possible to fetch all kinds of information. The software allows you to sort torrents into different categories. I wanted to list these catagories using a ListView.
I've written the non-ui code in C++. In C++ the data is fetched and parsed, and made available to QML. I've put the source code on github.
This function returns all the categories
This line of qml code is giving me issuesI can access this property from QML without any issues. If I set the delegate of the ListView to:
delegate: Text { text: display width: parent.width }
The code works as expected, I get the following result
However if i change the Delegate from Text to ItemDelegate, the text is set to '2'
delegate: ItemDelegate { text: display width: parent.width }
Using this code, I get the following result
I'm absolutely clueless of why this is happening. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I assume display is the property name you want? This rough as guts ListModel driven copy and slight modification works for me - perhaps your model?
QStringListModel *categories(); // <= can you make this a public slot and call it directly?
I use QStringList results from c++ to drive QML models everywhere, but I don't invoke function pointers like that. I'll use a public slot or a Q_INVOKABLE (but I never do I just use a public slot)
c++public slots: QStringList getSomethingPlurals();
var cppCopyModel = NamedInstanceQMLContextCpp.getSomethingPlurals(); // OR property ListModel seriesModel : NamedInstanceQMLContextCpp.getSomethingPlurals();
You code (kinda) with a QML ListModel seemingly working fine...
ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") id: root // window color: "black" ListModel {id : modelInstance ListElement {propertyNameUnused: "first"; name:"aaa";} ListElement {propertyNameUnused: "second"; name:"bbb";} ListElement {propertyNameUnused: "third"; name:"ccc";} } Item { anchors.fill: parent ListView { id: listView anchors.fill: parent headerPositioning: ListView.OverlayHeader header: Pane { id: header z: 2 width: parent.width contentHeight: lbl_status.height Text { id: lbl_status text: "Status" } MenuSeparator { parent: header width: parent.width anchors.verticalCenter: parent.bottom } } footer: ItemDelegate { id: footer text: qsTr("Footer") width: parent.width MenuSeparator { parent: footer width: parent.width anchors.verticalCenter: } } model: modelInstance // Torrents.categories delegate: ItemDelegate { // Text { // color: "white" // works with Text type text: name width: parent.width } ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator { } } }
has adisplay
property : .
To dipslay the display role, you have to explicitely specifiy it like so:
text: model.display
, this is usually preferable since it prevents shadowing and make it clearer where the value comes from.