QtPluginLoader fails to load plugin if I use Tensorflow functions in it
I am making a plugin as a project in Visual Studio 2017 which loads a Tensorflow model and uses it in an application. The plugin includes a class which loads a Tensorflow model and links with Tensorflow 1.7 (built for Release, I also build the plugin for Release). If I comment out all of the functions and structures from the Tensorflow library (e.g., tensorflow::GraphDef, etc.) then the plugin loads. If I uncomment them it fails to load:
QPluginLoader *loader = new QPluginLoader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(pluginPath)); QObject *plugin = loader->instance(); // plugin is NULL
plugin->errorString() is
"CNNPlugin.dll" "Cannot load library ...\\bin\\Release\\plugins\\CNNPlugin.dll: The specified module could not be found."
But it is there, and it loads just fine if I comment out all Tensorflow related code as mentioned. I tried linking with and running tensorflow in a simple C++ console application and that worked without issue.
Make sure the TensorFlow library is in your Path when trying to load the library.
@fugreh said in QtPluginLoader fails to load plugin if I use Tensorflow functions in it:
But it is there, and it loads just fine if I comment out all Tensorflow related code as mentioned.
To clarify @Christian-Ehrlicher's comment: Qt can't load your plugin if it can't find the TensorFlow libraries
I tried linking with and running tensorflow in a simple C++ console application
In this test, how did you tell Qt where to find the TensorFlow libraries?