problem with QML and Google Maps Plugin
Hi all,
I need to have google maps satellite view using qml. I have built the plugin created by @vladstelmahovsky and i got it working in debug mode, but when i switch to release mode the google map is not shown but the other part of the qml are visible.
The following image can help you understand:
This is the code:
import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import QtLocation 5.6 import QtPositioning 5.6 Rectangle { id: mainWindow width: 512 height: 512 visible: true ListModel{ id:dummyModel ListElement { Latitude: 47.212047 Longitude: -1.551647 Label: "something" Orientation: 0 Color:"transparent" } } Plugin { id: googleMaps name: "googlemaps" // "mapboxgl", "esri", ... // specify plugin parameters if necessary PluginParameter { } } Map { id: myMap anchors.fill: parent plugin: googleMaps activeMapType: supportedMapTypes[1] center: QtPositioning.coordinate(59.91, 10.75) // Oslo zoomLevel: 14 MapItemView{ id:dynamicMapObject model: dummyModel delegate: MapQuickItem { coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(Latitude,Longitude) sourceItem: Text{ width: 100 height: 50 text: model.Label rotation: model.Orientation opacity: 0.6 color: model.Color } } } MapPolyline { line.width: 3 line.color: 'green' path: [ { latitude: 59.92, longitude: 10.77 }, { latitude: 59.96, longitude: 10.78 }, { latitude: 59.99, longitude: 10.76 }, { latitude: 59.95, longitude: 10.74 } ] } MapCircle { //a static item (fixed real dimension) always at 100m east of the map center id:prova center:,90) opacity:0.8 color:"red" radius:30 } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton onClicked: { if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) { dummyModel.append({ "Latitude": myMap.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouseX,mouseY)).latitude ,"Longitude": myMap.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouseX,mouseY)).longitude , "Label": "abc" , "Color": "red", "Orientation":Number(3), }) } } } Button{ id:buttonMap text:"Click to add name" onClicked: { if(buttonMap.text == "Click to add name") { buttonMap.text = "Click to cancel name" myMap.activeMapType = myMap.supportedMapTypes[3] } else { buttonMap.text = "Click to add name" myMap.activeMapType = myMap.supportedMapTypes[1] } } } GroupBox{ title:"map types" ComboBox{ model:myMap.supportedMapTypes textRole:"description" onCurrentIndexChanged: myMap.activeMapType = myMap.supportedMapTypes[/*currentIndex*/0] } } }
When i try to change the MapType in the application output it appears thi message:
qrc:/qml/qml/MapTrack.qml:119: Error: Cannot assign [undefined] to QDeclarativeGeoMapType*
Somebody can give me some hint? I really don't know how to get it work also in release mode.
Thanks in advance.
@davidesalvetti I suppose, you have to build and install plugin in both debug and release modes. its very depends how exactly you building the plugin.
@vladstelmahovsky Thank you very much, this was the answer! how stupid I was, I thought I had problem on my code side.
Thank you again, now It works correctly also in release mode! -
Guys, which plugin you talked about?
I looked into Qt source code but I couldn't find any Google Maps plugin!I only found 5 plugins for Qt Location while Google Maps isn't one of them!
source :
Google TOS do not permit [Qt] to offer a Google specific geoservices plugin.
@VRonin said in problem with QML and Google Maps Plugin:
source :
Google TOS do not permit [Qt] to offer a Google specific geoservices plugin.
But how @davidesalvetti use it?
@tansgumus said in problem with QML and Google Maps Plugin:
But how @davidesalvetti use it?
@davidesalvetti said in problem with QML and Google Maps Plugin:
I have built the plugin created by @vladstelmahovsky
That's a 3rd party library hosted here: