How can I do pixel image drawing with Python and QML?
I am sorry if I do a double post with the MeeGo forum, but up to now I haven't got a helpful answer. So I hope I can get some more help here.
For Maemo 5 I wrote some applications which do pixel drawing with a QPainter.
I am now wondering how I could port this to QML.I searched the web quite a while, but couldnt find any examples how to paint from Python on a QML page.
On PyQt I did it like this:
class MyCanvas(QtGui.QWidget):
def init(self, parent=None):
QtGui.QWidget.init(self, xxx)
self.setGeometry(10, 180, 781, 241)def paintEvent(self, event):
paint = QtGui.QPainter()
paint.end()canvas = MyCanvas() then draw directly on my QWidget.
So my question is, how would I be able to do something like this with QML?
I know there are some C++ examples, but I do not understand how to adapt them to Python :(
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Hi take a look on this example write using PySide:
I know this is possible using PySide I do not know if is possible to do thin on PyQt.
I got it working quite well, how ever now I am facing a new problem:
In python, I have a timer which should redraw my graph every 1 seconds. How ever, how do I force the update?
Before I could do it in this way:
update() then would somehow call the paintEvent function in the canvas object.But now I register the QML object with
@qmlRegisterType(Graph, 'myAngleGraph', 1, 0, 'AngleGraph')@
so there is no object I could call within Python.I guess there would also be a way of having a timer in QML which reloads the graph, but I would prefer to do it from Python so I only redraw it when necessary.
I found now a solution. It might not be the nicest one, but it works.
In python, I call a function in QML, and from there I move the graph around, just one pixel right and left again. this then forces a redraw.
For more infos about it, have a look here: