How to create progress bar showing the progress of task running in background
General and Desktop
Hi All,
In my project, there are some tasks that runs in background and as tasks gets completed, results are displayed in Gui.
I want to create a progress bar that will display the progress of tasks running in background.Please this can be achieved..
Anuj -
You can put the progress bar in status bar if you are using a QMainWindow:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { //class initialization //... m_progress = new QProgressBar; statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(m_progress); m_progress->hide(); //... } void MainWindow::onProcessStarted() { m_progress->show(); } void MainWindow::onProcessFinished() { m_progress->hide(); } void MainWindow::onProgressValueChanged(int progressValue) { m_progress->setValue(progressValue); } void MainWindow::onProgressMaxChanged(int progressMax) { m_progress->setMaximum(progressMax); }
If you want to show several progress bars at the same time, a list view of progress bars could be a better approach