(PyQt) setAutoExclusive how not to affect certain buttons
General and Desktop
Hey , guys.
I am little by little starting to learn PyQt and trying to build very simple UI for tool in Maya.
I have like :Text1 : button1 button2 button3
Text2 : button 4 button5 button6and my problem that I can't understand how to make button(1-3).setAutoExclusive not to affect button(4-6).setAutoExclusive without changing parent widget. Anybody can help ?
Thanks a lot
You can use a http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qgroupbox.html
or an widget place holder to separate them.
setAutoExclusive works pr parent and i have not seen any way to trick that.
So qgroupbox is good if ok with a caption, else just a QWidget which is invisible. -
Thanks a lot , it works perfectly!