Make a QML Object immutable / locked?
Just curious --
Is there a way to make a QML object immutable.
For instance, if someone is using pyqt and changes a property in the QML object, could it be rejected or just not changed?I would be nice if Qt/QML had a flag or boolean for that so I could just go into the QML object in question in QtCreator and add it in.
If something like that doesn't exist, what would you suggest?
No takers?
This is for specifically a text object that gets changed on the Python side. Is there any way to lock the text object in QML so that if Python (or C/C++) decides to modify a property in that Text object, it does not change? -
You could add whatever code you want in the set method. If you bind your QML text to the engine side - that's what it is. I'm not sure I understand.
Using a Q_PROPERTY as:
Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged)you'd just do the validation / custom work in setName? If it fails, don't update the value, don't emit nameChanged? Am I missing something.
Where is the Object declared? in c++/Python or QML?
Do you want a property binding to stop executing or just stop being able to modify properties imperatively?
Do you want to unlock it afterwards?
Can't you just not pass it to the c++/Python side?Generally it's already ill advised to modify a QML object from c++/Python (with findChildren and friends), so I'll advise you to just not do it.