[SOLVED] receiving list from c++ to qml listview
how to take a list from c++ to qml? in this case for example, i need to obtain the list from file.cpp:
Component { id: delegate_grafica; Rectangle { width: 300; height: 30; color: "orange"; border.width: 1; border.color: "yellow"; Text { color: "black"; text: deutschesWort; font.pixelSize: 15; anchors.centerIn: parent } } }
ListView { id: list_parolaSalvate; x: 0; y: 0; width: 300; height: 300; delegate: delegate_grafica; }
@e il "model"???
Please add some new lines to your code.
Expose a QAbstractListModel subclass as a context property or by using a Q_INVOAKABLE method.
Other options are using a QStringList or a QList<QObject> as the model.Remember to register your QAbstractListModel subclass if you'll not be exposing it via context property.
qmlRegisterUncreatableType/qmlRegisterType -
i will use "Other options are using a QStringList or a QList<QObject> as the model.", but the problem is: how to pass this qlist to this QML file?
Rectangle {
width: 500; height: 500; signal emitsignal();
Component { id: delegate_grafica; Rectangle { width: 300; height: 30; color: "orange"; border.width: 1; border.color: "yellow"; Text { color: "black"; text: deutschesWort; font.pixelSize: 15; anchors.centerIn: parent } } }
ListView { id: list_parolaSalvate; x: 0; y: 0; width: 300; height: 300; delegate: delegate_grafica; model: emitsignal() }
here i need a model, that i want to obtain from emitsignal, by which i would to obtain a qlist that is then the container of the model of my listview {}. my qlist will contain qlist<biglietto>
where biglietto is:
biglietto::biglietto(QString newcolor, int newnumberm, bool important){
QString color = newcolor;
int number = newnumber;
bool isImportant = important;
however, thank yoU! -
@ QDeclarativeContext* context = declarativeView.rootContext();
context->setContextProperty("mymodel",(QObject*)&myModel); // here myModel is the QObject that exposes your model
MyModel: public QObject {
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList dataModel();
@In Qml
ListView {
model: myModel.dataModel();
@ -
You need to write in the delegate the name of a public variable contained in the model, which you associate with QDeclarativeView.contextProperty.setContextProperty(nameOfTheModel, listThatyouhavemade). Note the you have to use first that I have just written and then set the source of the qml file where the model is needed.
I found that a simple @modelData@ in the delegate does it for QStringList.
[quote author="spode" date="1345319889"]You need to write in the delegate the name of a public variable contained in the model, which you associate with QDeclarativeView.contextProperty.setContextProperty(nameOfTheModel, listThatyouhavemade). Note the you have to use first that I have just written and then set the source of the qml file where the model is needed.[/quote] -
Hi, I am trying to do almost same thing as mentioned here but I don't understand what modelData means here:
@ListView {
model: stringListPassedFromCpp
delegate: Text {
text: modelData
}@How and where should I declare this modelData ? Thanks in advance. :)
I could ask something more and accurate about this too:
I have now QStringList for testing purposes which has 3 strings and I would like to get this QStringList to qml. I would like to use TextSwitch as delegate. This is what I have at the moment:
@SilicaListView {
anchors.fill: parent model: model_.excerciseNames() delegate: TextSwitch { text: onClicked: {} } }
The function excerciseNames() is defined as
@Q_INVOKABLE QStringList excerciseNames();@
I think I am yet very far from the solution so any help would be great :D
Read about modelData in this link "QStringList to QML":https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qtquick-modelviewsdata-cppmodels.html#qstringlist-based-modelSo all the QString within the QStringList will can be accessed as modelData
So you can access the QString data in the TextSwitch delegate as
@SilicaListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: model_.excerciseNames()delegate: TextSwitch {
text: modelData
onClicked: {}
}@ -
The examples in that page you pointed me are invisible for me, can someone see whats in there? I tried to solve this from the Qt-Creator examples also but didn't get it to work yet. When I use the Q_INVOKABLE method with QStringList I get one of the Strings from the list but when I try to do as the example refered and use this :
SilicaListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: excerciseNamesModeldelegate: TextSwitch {
text: modelData
onClicked: {}
@then I don't get anything. The registered excerciseNamesModel is coloured in the editor so it apparently recognizes the model but it is not working for some reason.
means the the method can be called from the QML side. So you have to set your cpp model object as
ExcerciseNamesModel namesModel;
auto context = viewer.rootContext();
context->setContextProperty("excerciseNamesModel", namesModel)@and then set the model in QML file as
SilicaListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: excerciseNamesModel.excerciseNames()delegate: TextSwitch {
text: modelData
onClicked: {}
}@Note: This code is just like pseudocode and I didn't compile it or test it.
You can read more about Exposing CPP models to QML in this link "Link":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qdeclarativemodels.html#qstringlist-based-model
Would you happen to know a solution for my other problem also ? After updating this Sailfish SDK to a newer version, I lost qDebug() prints and I haven't found where they would come back. I can't see them at the application output view anymore and this makes it a lot harder to track down the behaviour of my program. :D