Program crashes on QPainter::drawPixmap()
I am having problem where my Qt program crashes after calling
. I have spent 2 days debugging this and have decided that I must be unintentionally abusing some feature of Qt.A working example of this problem can be found here.
My code consists of a QML file that updates the following properteries:
Q_PROPERTY(qreal longitude READ getLongitude WRITE setLongitude NOTIFY latitudeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(qreal latitude READ getLatitude WRITE setLatitude NOTIFY latitudeChanged) void Map::setLongitude(qreal longitude) { double diff = (this->longitude - this->pixmapCenter.longitude()) * scale; this->longitude = longitude; if (qFabs(diff) > 50) { MapTile result = updatePixmap(scale, longitude, latitude); pixmap = result.pixmap; pixmapCenter =; } update(); } void Map::setLatitude(qreal latitude) { this->latitude = latitude; }
That in turn regenerates a new Pixmap
MapTile updatePixmap(double scale, double longitude, double latitude) { QPixmap myPixmap(800, 400); myPixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(&myPixmap); painter.translate(400, 240); QPen pen; pen.setColor(Qt::white); pen.setWidth(1); painter.setPen(pen); QRectF boundaries(QPointF(-91.55 , 41.55) * scale, QPointF(-91.45, 41.45) * scale); boundaries.translate(-longitude * scale, -latitude * scale); painter.drawRect(boundaries); painter.end(); QGeoCoordinate center(latitude, longitude); return MapTile(myPixmap, center); }
This new pixmap is then drawn on the screen at the appropriate location. It is important to note that the program runs fine for a few seconds before it crashes.
It crashes with a segfault error in qdrawhelper_sse2.cpp line 587.
void Map::paint(QPainter *painter) { painter->translate(boundingRect().width()/2, boundingRect().height()/2); painter->scale(1, -1); painter->translate((pixmapCenter.longitude() - longitude) * scale, (pixmapCenter.latitude() - latitude) * scale); QPoint corner(-pixmap.width()/2, -pixmap.height()/2); painter->drawPixmap(corner, this->pixmap); }
Here is an image of the moment of the crash
@VRonin said in Qt program crashes on QPainter::drawPixmap():
What's in line 42 of Map::paint?
You debug window says "Source file is more recent than executable"
Can you try a full rebuild (clean & build) -
@raven-worx I saw that earlier and already tried the a clean/rebuild. I even deleted the entire project and cloned the repo again.
I just noticed that this does not happen in release configuration. I have submitted a Qt bug report.
My environment is MinGW 5.3.0 on Windows 7 (or 10)