A simple QML component test
Please take a look at this project.
:import QtQuick 2.9 Text { width: 30; height: 30 text: "Right" color: "green" font.pixelSize: 20 visible: false }
:import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true width: 720 height: 620 title: qsTr("QML Test") Rectangle { id: container MyText { id: myText x: 200; y: 200 } myText.visible: true } }
I get this error:
qrc:/main.qml:17: Cannot assign to non-existent property "myText"
Why does the Qt Creator show this error and how to solve it please?
@tomy Hello,
You have this error because of line "myText.visible: true",Rectangle { // Container
id: containerMyText { id: myText x: 200; y: 200 } myText.visible: true // here is your error, because myText is not a property of container
} // END container
in fact you are trying to assign a value but you are not inside a function, and not inside your Item..
You can directly change 'visible' property of your 'MyText' like this :
MyText {
id: myText
x: 200; y: 200
visible:true // change is inside 'myText'
}or if you want to access from outSide by id, enywhere in your main qml file :
Component.onCompleted : myText.visible = true; // (this is javascript so '=' and not ' : ' )
I hope this will help you
Thank you.
But two subjects: inside a function or a Timer (out of the component) we could use myText.visible.And the other, apparently we can call a function from inside another function or Timer.
Are my assumptions right? Are there any general rules about these two?
@tomy you can access properties from any Javascript not necessarily Timer or Function :
function setVisible(){
myText.visible = true
}function autherFunction(){ // this will call 'setVisible()'
}signal doWork // custom signal
onDoWork : { // automaticaly generated Handler for 'doWork' signal
// myText.visible = true // OK
// setVisible() // OK
// autherFunction() // OK
exemples :Timer {
onTriggered: {
// myText.visible = true // OK
// setVisible() // OK
// autherFunction() // OK
onClicked : {
// myText.visible = true // OK
// setVisible() // OK
// autherFunction() // OK//doWork() // emit signal : so handler 'onDoWork' is called
}There are auther manners to use javascript in QML; more info here :
http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtqml-javascript-expressions.html -
@tomy ```
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.2Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("JS in QML")signal aSignal // mySignal //Component.onCompleted: aSignal() //you can emit your signal whenever you want 'on<SignalName>' will be executed onASignal: myText.visible = true // Component.onCompleted: myText.visible = true // you can directly change property accessing item by id //function 1 function changeVisible(e){ e.visible = !e.visible } //function 2 function changeVisible1(){ myText.visible = !myText.visible } Button{ onClicked: changeVisible(myText) // Using function 1 //onClicked: changeVisible1() // Using function 2 text : myText.visible ? "Hide" : "Show" // Using JS for binding } MyText{ id:myText anchors.centerIn: parent }
just exemples of using js in QML