The SQLite exception "no such table: <table> Unable to execute statement" with QSqlDatabase
I opened my database sqlite in Qt without error and I checked that all the tables are well created in the base and well the path of the base. but when I try to execute a query I get an error (no such table: <table> Unable to execute statement).
I am sure that I connected to a real base and that it contains all the table .
Someone you can help me please. -
Can you post your query? -
// --connecting data base code : mydb=QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); mydb.setDatabaseName("D:\Applications\App Gestion Data CenterV2\GestionDataCenterV2\GestionDataCenter_BD.db"); if( qDebug() << "connected"; else qDebug() << "deconnected"; // --executing query code : QSqlQuery requette; QString text_req = "insert into serveurs values('123.112.113','Phisique',1,2,3,3,'01/01/1997','12/01/1997');"; if(requette.exec(text_req)) qDebug()<<"requette valide"; else qDebug()<<"invalide requette"<<" --> "<<requette.lastError().text();
@Maarouf-Med-Mahdi said in How insert data into sqlite database with Qt:
insert into serveurs values('123.112.113','Phisique',1,2,3,3,'01/01/1997','12/01/1997');"
It is a valid query?
Does this query work in sql without Qt? -
Yes , i tested the same query before execute with Qt .
Path of DB file contains some spaces. Remove those spaces and try.
qt connected well to my database and i have run other query like
select * from sqlite_master where tbl_name = '<table>' "; it works to show you that the path of bd is valid, -
You said:(no such table: <table> Unable to execute statement).
So it's telling you there is no table named whatever it reports for
(really wish you'd give the actual text of the error message, then we'd know....)Your statement is:
insert into serveurs ...
so, assuming it reportsserveurs
as the table name, there is no such table asserveurs
in whatever is your current database....P.S.
Have you triedSELECT * FROM serveurs
in your Qt code for yourself, to decide whether it's really anINSERT
problem? -
Try:QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("insert into serveurs (field1, field2, field3) values (:value1, :value2, :value3)"); query.bindValue(":value1," MyValue1); query.bindValue(":value2", MyValue2); query.bindValue(":value3", MyValue3); if (query.exec()) { // } else { qDebug() << query.lastError().text(); }
@Maarouf-Med-Mahdi ,
Are you sure, your table name is correct? -
@Vinod-Kuntoji yes i m sure
@JNBarchan that is my dataBase file
-- Fichier généré par SQLiteStudio v3.1.1 sur mer. déc. 13 21:27:34 2017
-- Encodage texte utilisé : System
PRAGMA foreign_keys = off;
BEGIN TRANSACTION;-- Table : historiques
CREATE TABLE historiques(
IP varchar(20) ,
date_modification date,
anc_type_serveur varchar(10),
anc_croire int (10),
anc_rack int(10),
anc_chassis int (4),
anc_position int (10),
constraint FK_historiques foreign key (IP) references serveurs(IP)
);-- Table : serveurs
CREATE TABLE serveurs (
IP varchar(20) ,
type_serveur varchar(10),
croire int (10),
rack int(10),
chassis int (4),
position int (10),
date_creation date,
date_der_accee date,
constraint PK_serveurs primary key (IP)
PRAGMA foreign_keys = on; -
@JNBarchan I give you the result of this query
select * from serveurs;
***the code:
mydb.setDatabaseName("D:\Applications\App Gestion Data CenterV2\GestionDataCenterV2\GestionDataCenter_BD.db");
qDebug() << "connected";
qDebug() << "deconnected";QSqlQuery requette;
QString text_req = "select * from serveurs;";
qDebug()<<"requette valide";
qDebug()<<"invalide requette"<<" --> "<<requette.lastError().text();
***the debug
invalide requette --> "no such table: serveurs Unable to execute statement" -
@Taz742 this query shows me the same error
QString text_req = "insert into serveurs('IP','type_serveur','croire','rack','chassis','position','date_creation','date_der_accee') values('123.112.113','Physique',1,2,3,3,'01/01/1997','12/01/1997');";// I wish you saw my database I posted it
This message also prove that there is no such table in your database.
You can check which tables are available with this code:if( qDebug() << "connected"; else qDebug() << "deconnected"; qDebug() << "Tables: " << mydb.tables();
Maybe there is a difference in some letter in other code page (UTF-8 vs ANSI).
Hi @Stoyan that show me (), i think you saw my db i posted it ,
all tables has been created but Qt can not find it -
@Stoyan previously I used the encoding "system", now I've changed to UTF-8 but the same error still see
It seems that you are not connected to the database.
Try to change your code for open database.
Instead:if( qDebug() << "connected"; else qDebug() << "deconnected";
use this:
if(! { qDebug() << mydb.lastError().text(); }
BTW, what is the result from query that you use to test database connection:
select * from sqlite_master where tbl_name = 'serveurs';
@Stoyan connected and that query works
select * from sqlite_master where tbl_name = 'serveurs';