Passing Paramater from .cpp file to .qml file
Hello everyone...
I wanna asking you about passing parameter in .qml file from .cpp file.
I've a function for getting filename in widgetmap . . .
and then I would like to show map using .qml file.@...
WidgetMap::WidgetMap(QString idofinformation, QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::WidgetMap)
ui->setupUi(this);.... //I get the filename from database //set the filename this->filename = this->hasil.result->__ptr[0]->FileName; //set the serverfilename ftpdownloader->serverfilename = this->filename; ...
delete ui;
}//back toolbutton
void WidgetMap::slotToolButtonBack()
}void WidgetMap::slotShowMap(bool failed)
// I use qml file by setting the source (detailMap.qml)... this->view->setSource(QUrl(QString::fromUtf8(this->applicationdirpath.absolutePath().toUtf8() + "/DetailMap.qml"))); ...
and then this is in .qml file :
width: 640
height: 480// Create a flickable to view a large image. Flickable { ... //I use Image { id: picture source: "denah.png" asynchronous: true } ...
@I use filename to get it from database, then I want to set the filename in .qml file to show it using qml. How can I passing the filename in .qml file?
thx b4. -
May be "this": help.