A basic Question
Hello everyone,
after years of QWidget only creation I'm finally dabbling in QML.My goal is it to create a "Button" item that changes it's displayed img depending on 2 things.
If the mosuecurser is hoveriung over it and if a state ist set or not.In QWidgets I would use a Stylesheet for that, but that doesn't seem to be a thing for QML so I set different sources:
Item { id: root signal activated(int id) property int m_ID: 0 property bool m_connected: false property string imgDefault: "" property string imgConnected: "" property string imgHoverD: "" property string imgHoverC: "" function setConnected(connected){ m_connected = connected if(m_connected) mainImg.source = imgConnected else mainImg.source = imgDefault } Image { id: mainImg source: imgDefault anchors.fill: parent } MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onClicked: root.activated(m_ID) onEntered: { if(!m_connected){ mainImg.source = imgHoverD }else{ mainImg.source = imgHoverC } } onExited: { if(!m_connected){ mainImg.source = imgDefault }else{ mainImg.source = imgConnected } } } }
Is this the right way to do it?
It feels wrong :( -
It's OK, although the general "philosophy" behind QML is for it to be declarative: you define what you want, and Qt does it for you. Your implementation is imperative: you state exactly what you want.
Here is an alternative, more declarative solution:
Item { id: root property bool isConnected: false Image { id: mainImg source: { if (isConnected) { if (mouseArea.containsMouse) return imgHoverC else return imgConnected } else { if (mouseArea.containsMouse) return imgHoverD else return imcDefault } } anchors.fill: parent } MouseArea { id: mouseArea hoverEnabled: true } }
With that (you can remove other functions you created), the Image element will automatically respond to any changes in both mouse area and isConnected property.
Cool. How does it know what code to run when
property bool isConnected changes?
the source: {} is aware it uses isConnected inside and hence reacts? -
@mrjj said in A basic Question:
the source: {} is aware it uses isConnected inside and hence reacts?
Is that a question to me?
Yes, it is aware. That's how QML engine works, it builds up an "understanding" of which property update should trigger which bindings to be recalculated. In this case, "source" will be recalculated each time root.isConnected is changed, and each time mouseArea.containsMouse changes.
Ah, I just noticed the OP has
property bool m_connected: false
, I should have used that instead of adding my isConnected. Anyway, that's a small change to make. -
Yes it was as you seem to really know QML and i was wondering how it works.
Sorry for intruding a little :)
I had no idea that binding was that effective so it would know inside code it uses some
property and hence should execute.
Very cool. -
@sierdzio wow, thanks.
I remade that item(class?) about 4 times already, each time it has less code in it and becomes faster.
Your example works splendently!
I technically don't even need the setConnected function.Will take a while to get my head around this different style of QML ...
Thanks again, time to dig back in!
@mrjj said in A basic Question:
Yes it was as you seem to really know QML and i was wondering how it works.
Sorry for intruding a little :)
I had no idea that binding was that effective so it would know inside code it uses some
property and hence should execute.
Very cool.Hey, no problem, I'm happy to explain :-)
@J.Hilk said in A basic Question:
@sierdzio wow, thanks.
I remade that item(class?) about 4 times already, each time it has less code in it and becomes faster.
Your example works splendently!
Great, good to hear.
I technically don't even need the setConnected function.
Yes, it should not be necessary. If you need to modify the value of m_connected, even from other file where your button is added, it will be enough to modify it via dot syntax. The change signal is emitted automatically. So, assuming your button is saved in MyButton.qml file, you can do this:
// some other QML file, for example main.qml MyButton { id: myButton m_connected: true }
Thanks again, time to dig back in!
Happy coding! :-)
Have a tiny little one extra
It knows to recalc source when MouseArea changes simply because its inside its scope?
I have same issue as J.Hilk trying to apply widget logic to QML and its really not. :)) -
@mrjj said in A basic Question:
It knows to recalc source when MouseArea changes simply because its inside its scope?
Now, how scopes work in QML is a bit complicated, I'm sure you'll encounter lots of WTF? moments :-)
Yes, in this case the mouse area is in scope (the Image can access it's properties by calling it by ID, in my example the id is mouseArea). But in general, all QML engine needs is to get the onPropertyChanged signal - it does not matter from where it is coming from, it will simply register that signal as "hey, Property changed it's value, so I need to update the value here, too". It can be some global context property, QML singleton, other QML component, or even some C++ QObject that was exposed/ connected (via context property, or Connections element for example) and is visible to Image component.
Some things to be aware of here:
- the binding will be recalculated each time some (relevant) property changes. This can sometimes mean a lot of updates per second, for example if you bind to mouse.x (one tends to move the mouse quite a lot :-))
- thus, it is important not to overdo it (for example, if you create a Q_PROPERTY in c++, remember not to emit changed() signal when the property value has not changed:
if (newValue == oldValue) return;
. Qt Creator automatically generates good code for properties, thankfully) - if you (at some point) assign a value to property in JavaScript, the binding is broken. It won't update anymore. Here's a short example:
Item { id: obj1; height: obj2.height * 2 } Item { id: obj2 } MouseArea { onClicked: obj1.height = obj2.height * 3 // Boom! // The binding is broken when you click the mouse area. // Why? You tell obj1 that the height should be set // to a new value, right here right now. To QML, it is // the same as if you set it to obj1.height = 150. // Constant value }
In the example, if you want to change the binding to
obj1.height: obj2.height * 3
and keep it updating when obj2.height changes, you can use Binding element. -
Oh yes lots of those moments :)
Aha, so if u set to a constant value it wont auto update.
What if multiple objects are using the same binding?
Is it then disabled for all or only for that mouse area or is it globally? -
@mrjj said in A basic Question:
What if multiple objects are using the same binding?
Each binding is used by single object. They are declared on the "receiving end", so to speak. Example:
Item { height: someObj.height + 15 } Item { height: someObj.height + 15 } Item { height: someObj.height + someObj.height }
These are 3 separate bindings. If you overwrite the height value in first Item with some constant, remaining 2 will still work and update automatically.
Super. Then its all clear.
Also the global nature of it was escaping me.
like you can use
MyButton {
id: myButton
m_connected: true
with out any extern/include/add to scope extras.Thank you.
@mrjj said in A basic Question:
with out any extern/include/add to scope extras.
Yes, although there are some rules here. Only top-level properties (defined in root element of any given QML file) are visible outside of the component. Also, no IDs are accessible outside of current QML file (with a few tiny exceptions). So:
/// Some other qml file MyButton { m_connected: true // Works fine mouseArea.hoverEnabled: false // Error. The ID 'mouseArea' is not visible outside of MyButton.qml file, // and additionally hoverEnabled is not a top-level property }
so only first level of scope ?
Item {
Item2 {
all here is private?
}well maybe its good IDs are not global visible or one could make some crazy spaghetti code very easy.
@mrjj said in A basic Question:
so only first level of scope ?Yes, only first level, unless I am mistaken ;-) Writing from memory now. And this applies to using the component somewhere else (in a different QML file). Within single file, there are no such strict visibility restrictions.
well maybe its good IDs are not global visible or one could make some crazy spaghetti code very easy.
Yea, it can be a bit annoying in the beginning, but enforces some rather good practices in the long run.
@sierdzio said in A basic Question:
well maybe its good IDs are not global visible or one could make some crazy spaghetti code very easy.
Yea, it can be a bit annoying in the beginning, but enforces some rather good practices in the long run.
I agree. Otherwise there's no private/public distinction in QML (and you can bypass even this visibility restriction runtime if you really want to) but I think it's reasonable to hide those inside IDs because otherwise it would encourage messy programming style with no real components. Now we at least have a possibility to have real "implementation details", some kind of data hiding. So sometimes it feels annoying but in the long run it's better.
About the original problem, here's another possible solution. Not as nice and tidy as @sierdzio's but in some cases might it be clearer not to use nested if-elses, and if you have to change several properties based on the same conditions you would have to duplicate those conditions. Here you can just add another property to PropertyChanges.
(changed image to rect to save some work...)import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 ColumnLayout { id: columnLayout anchors.fill: parent Button{onClicked: root.isConnected=!root.isConnected} Item { id: root property bool isConnected: false Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true Rectangle { id: mainImg anchors.fill:parent states:[ State{ name:"conn_mouse" when:root.isConnected && mouseArea.containsMouse PropertyChanges { target:mainImg color:"red" } }, State{ name:"conn_no_mouse" when:root.isConnected&&!mouseArea.containsMouse PropertyChanges { target:mainImg color:"green" } }, State{ name:"noconn_mouse" when:!root.isConnected&&mouseArea.containsMouse PropertyChanges { target:mainImg color:"blue" } }, State{ name:"noconn_nomouse" when:!root.isConnected&&!mouseArea.containsMouse PropertyChanges { target:mainImg color:"yellow" } } ] } MouseArea { id: mouseArea hoverEnabled: true anchors.fill:parent onClicked: console.log("clicked") } } } }
yes it might be annoying at first. Like UI of widgets being private but
save you from pain down the road.states
Oh that is a nice class. So that would be better if m_connected state were more complex
or more than source property we wanted to changed on the clicked etc.¨Thank you for sharing.
Just one stylistic note... Quick Controls 2 standard library qml code uses this extensively so it may be at least good to know even if you don't want to use it. It's alternative syntax for nested if-else. Modifying my own code, just set the rectangle color (or in sierzio's code the image source):
color: root.isConnected ? (mouseArea.containsMouse ? "red" : "green") : (mouseArea.containsMouse ? "blue" : "yellow")
This is from the Material style's Button.qml:
color: !control.enabled ? control.Material.hintTextColor : control.flat && control.highlighted ? control.Material.accentColor : control.highlighted ? control.Material.primaryHighlightedTextColor : control.Material.foreground
Heh, actually the first version of my snipped used the question mark notation, but I changed it to if-else because I thought it would be more readable.
It is definitely a good approach, and for simple cases I would recommend it - QML engine can optimize the question mark operator more heavily than if-else.