Android build SDK not defined. Check Android settings. Qt 5.9.1, QtCreator 4.4.0, with Android Studio.
Error message:
Android build SDK not defined. Check Android settings. Error while building/deploying project test01 (kit: Android for x86 (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.9.1 for Android x86)) When executing step "Build Android APK"
JDK Location: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144
Android SDK Location: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
Android NDK Location: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\ndk-bundleHas there been any modification to the Android Studio directory structure, causing Qt Creator to no longer locate Android Build SDK ?
And in Android Build SDK the list appears empty. Has anyone ever experienced this ?
If you need more information let me know that I post here.
See my screenshots:
In this configuration was to appear the following platforms:
android-26But the "Android Build SDK" list is always empty.
I can only (sadly) confirm this also happens on Linux, after updating Android SDK. I'm 100% sure my env. worked fine before I run the update, and updating the SDK was the only change that happened.
Grrr. I need to finally learn to only update Android SDK when forced to. They keep breaking the builds soo often nowadays.
The sdkmanager tool's output changed in SDK tools version 26.1.
The issue will be addressed in QTC 4.5. (QTCREATORBUG-18962) -
According to the bug report, this issue will be fixed in Qt Creator 4.5, so it will take some serious time.
My workaround was to remove the tools in the sdk and change back to version 25.0.3
if you need another version just change it out in the link below
@Fredro said in Android build SDK not defined. Check Android settings. Qt 5.9.1, QtCreator 4.4.0, with Android Studio.:
My workaround was to remove the tools in the sdk and change back to version 25.0.3
if you need another version just change it out in the link below
Perfect, thanks for the info. I've managed to get a zip from a colleague, but an "official" link from Google is much better.
Temporary solution while the link with Android Studio and Qt Creator is not resolved. Hope to help, do not mark as resolved, as the Android Studio and Qt Creator integration should work. Because the latest versions are in Android Studio and support HAXM.
Android SDK r25.2.5 NDK r15c Ant 1.9.9 -
I found a strange solution:
closed qtcreator
I edited the *pro.user file of my project.
there are some entries::
<value type="QString" key="BuildTargetSdk"></value>
<value type="QString" key="KeystoreLocation"></value>
3: I changed every occurence of
<value type="QString" key="BuildTargetSdk"></value>
<value type="QString" key="BuildTargetSdk">android-26</value>(26 is my android sdk tools main version)
4: Now I can deploy again to my smartphone.
Strange is: the combobox "Android build Sdk" still is empty... doesn't matter now...
Seeing this same error with QT 5.9.1, QT Creator 4.4.0, Android SDK Tools 26.1.1
Open your ... \tools_r25.2.5-windows\tools\android.bat
Install at least the version of the SDK API that you are using.
@joaopagotto Yeah thanks for your reply, I got it working earlier already, by downloading the last release of the SDK 25 version, 25.0.3. Didn't have to update the tools, the latest tools installed by Android Studio work just fine.