QScrollBar subControlRect ignores orientation Qt5.9.1
Hi everyone!
I recently started using Qt. Everything was fine, but once I worked with QScrollBar.
I needed to find out the coordinates of the Sub Controls.
For example, to find out the QStyle :: SC_ScrollBarSubLine coordinates and dimensions, I used the following code:QStyleOptionSlider *opt = new QStyleOptionSlider; opt->initFrom(scrollBar1); QRect r = scrollBar1->style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ScrollBar, opt, QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine);
This code works great with a horizontal scrollbar.
Because with a vertical scrollbar, it is not possible to get coordinates and dimensions QStyle :: SC_ScrollBarSubLine.
More precisely, sizes and coordinates can be obtained,
but they will be equal to the size and coordinates of the QStyle :: SC_ScrollBarSubLine horizontal scroll bar.Take a look at the pictures. They graphically show what I'm trying to find out.
Maybe some of you already encountered similar problems. Tell me how to solve them?
![alt text Picture1](image url https://photos.app.goo.gl/BvIqozvxjTbR8Sw83)
![alt text Picture2](image url https://photos.app.goo.gl/wSQSRBpPUn9sWi0J2) -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Can you post a minimal compilable sample that shows that ?
So of course, here is the program code:
scrollbar_test.h#ifndef SCROLLBAR_TEST_H #define SCROLLBAR_TEST_H #include <QMainWindow> class scrollbar_test : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: scrollbar_test(QWidget *parent = 0); ~scrollbar_test(); }; #endif // SCROLLBAR_TEST_H
#include "scrollbar_test.h" #include <QtWidgets> #include <QDebug> #include <QStyle> #include <QStyleOptionSlider> scrollbar_test::scrollbar_test(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { QScrollBar *scrollBar1 = new QScrollBar; scrollBar1->setParent(this); scrollBar1->setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 100, 200)); scrollBar1->setMinimum(0); scrollBar1->setMaximum(5); scrollBar1->setPageStep(5); /* When the horizontal position of the scroll bar works correctly */ //scrollBar1->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); /* When the vertical position of the scroll bar does not work correctly */ scrollBar1->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); QStyleOptionSlider *opt = new QStyleOptionSlider; opt->initFrom(scrollBar1); QRect r = scrollBar1->style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ScrollBar, opt, QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine); /* In both cases, the variable r contains the same value, but should not be so */ qDebug() << r; } scrollbar_test::~scrollbar_test() { }
You are running that on Windows, right ?
Hi SGaist. I was able to solve the problem.
The reason is not in QScrollBar.
The reason was in QStyleOptionSlider.
In the code after these lines:QStyleOptionSlider *opt = new QStyleOptionSlider; opt->initFrom(scrollBar1);
I inserted the following code:
opt->orientation = Qt::Vertical;
And everything works.
Probably the reason is the incorrect transfer of parameters to the opt variable.Thanks for the help, the issue is resolved.
Great !
Thanks for sharing your findings !
One last thing, you are leaking your
object. You should rather build it on the stack and pass its address tosubControlRect