QScrollBar subControlRect ignores orientation Qt5.9.1
Hi everyone!
I recently started using Qt. Everything was fine, but once I worked with QScrollBar.
I needed to find out the coordinates of the Sub Controls.
For example, to find out the QStyle :: SC_ScrollBarSubLine coordinates and dimensions, I used the following code:QStyleOptionSlider *opt = new QStyleOptionSlider; opt->initFrom(scrollBar1); QRect r = scrollBar1->style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ScrollBar, opt, QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine);
This code works great with a horizontal scrollbar.
Because with a vertical scrollbar, it is not possible to get coordinates and dimensions QStyle :: SC_ScrollBarSubLine.
More precisely, sizes and coordinates can be obtained,
but they will be equal to the size and coordinates of the QStyle :: SC_ScrollBarSubLine horizontal scroll bar.Take a look at the pictures. They graphically show what I'm trying to find out.
Maybe some of you already encountered similar problems. Tell me how to solve them?

Hi and welcome to devnet,
Can you post a minimal compilable sample that shows that ?
So of course, here is the program code:
scrollbar_test.h#ifndef SCROLLBAR_TEST_H #define SCROLLBAR_TEST_H #include <QMainWindow> class scrollbar_test : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: scrollbar_test(QWidget *parent = 0); ~scrollbar_test(); }; #endif // SCROLLBAR_TEST_H
#include "scrollbar_test.h" #include <QtWidgets> #include <QDebug> #include <QStyle> #include <QStyleOptionSlider> scrollbar_test::scrollbar_test(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { QScrollBar *scrollBar1 = new QScrollBar; scrollBar1->setParent(this); scrollBar1->setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 100, 200)); scrollBar1->setMinimum(0); scrollBar1->setMaximum(5); scrollBar1->setPageStep(5); /* When the horizontal position of the scroll bar works correctly */ //scrollBar1->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); /* When the vertical position of the scroll bar does not work correctly */ scrollBar1->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); QStyleOptionSlider *opt = new QStyleOptionSlider; opt->initFrom(scrollBar1); QRect r = scrollBar1->style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ScrollBar, opt, QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine); /* In both cases, the variable r contains the same value, but should not be so */ qDebug() << r; } scrollbar_test::~scrollbar_test() { }
You are running that on Windows, right ?
Hi SGaist. I was able to solve the problem.
The reason is not in QScrollBar.
The reason was in QStyleOptionSlider.
In the code after these lines:QStyleOptionSlider *opt = new QStyleOptionSlider; opt->initFrom(scrollBar1);
I inserted the following code:
opt->orientation = Qt::Vertical;
And everything works.
Probably the reason is the incorrect transfer of parameters to the opt variable.Thanks for the help, the issue is resolved.
Great !
Thanks for sharing your findings !
One last thing, you are leaking your
object. You should rather build it on the stack and pass its address tosubControlRect