Display SQLite DB content on ListWidget
How can I display the content of my SQLiteDB on a ListWidget?
I tried several ways, but when I want to add it as a new item, I get the message, that QString (or QSqlQuery) can't be converted to QListWidgetItem. -
you call
ui->listWidget->addItem( QString );when you loop over the QSqlQuery results
However, why such involving way ?
If you use a list view and this model, its almost for free.
http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsqlquerymodel.html#details -
As @mrjj said use QListView for dispaly the contents.
For this you have to do like this,
QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("Your query");
QSqlQueryModel model;
QListView view;
view.setModel(model); -
Hi! Thanks for the answers!
Actually I also wanted to make the items checkable, that's why I started with a ListWidget.
However, I don't get any error messages for now, but the program is not doing anything when I execute and click on the ListWidget.
Check out the code:/void Hochladen::on_listWidget_theme_clicked(const QModelIndex &index) { NeuesThema conn; //Zur Verbindung mit der Themen Datenbank QSqlQuery query; conn.connOpen(); //Öffnen der Verbindung query.prepare("select * from themen"); if (query.exec()) { if(query.next()) { QString a = query.boundValue(0).toString(); //reduced the code for now: //ui->listWidget_theme->addItem( QString ); //QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(); //item->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); ui->listWidget_theme->addItem( a ); conn.connClose(); } } }```
you can use
to see if something wrong and its
also recommended
to use the debugger to step into the function
and see what gets executed.