Add documentation generation option to customer project file
What is correct way to add documentation generation to customer Qt project?
I have created correct project.qdocconf file and can create correct documentation using qdoc and qhelpgenerator tools.
But how can I add these tools to file that it will be included in generated make files?
I see that Qt uses QMAKE_DOCS option in Qt project files. I tried and it like
QMAKE_DOCS = $$PWD/project.qdocconf but unfortunately it didn't help.Is there correct way to add generation of documentation to build process?
Thank you.
Oleh. -
qdoc is an internal documentation tool of Qt and is not recommended to be used outside. Use doxygen instead (it has the same comment syntax as qdoc, so you won't need to rewrite anything).
Is there correct way to add generation of documentation to build process?
I think building it each time you build your app is a big overhead. Consider if you really want qdoc or doxygen to parse your whole code base and regenerate all html files each time you add even a single line to the code.
Anyway, something like this should work:
# Assuming your doxygen configuration file is called "project.doxyconfig" QMAKE_POST_LINK = doxygen project.doxyconfig