QtWebengine : Can't load any url
I might be doing something really stupid here. But i am not able to load any URL other than https://www.qt.io/.
Am i missing something ?
I am using QWebEngineView in the Qt Designer.
My Qt version is 5.9.1 and QtCreator version is 4.3.0.Edits :
Only the qt sites are working.Now google only is not loading when i checked with some major websites. -
While running the demo browser which uses qtwebengine (5.9.1), i am getting a pop up which says,
Certificate Error : Server's certificate is signed using a weak signature algorithm
- Installed libnss3-dev and did a rebuild of qtwebengine because chromium doesn't support openssl certificates. But same result.
can you access other websites with your system's webbrowser? -
@raven-worx yes i can. I even installed Chromium and checked. It is opening up all the other websites.
You try with QWebView with argument as the string of url
Hi @yellowlemontree2014 , is there any difference in doing what you said and using qtdesigner ?