ReferenceError: "..." is not defined
Im trying run this code, and it lunch the error: ReferenceError: "vi" is not defined. someone who can help me, please?
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
import QtQml 2.2Window {
id: window
visible: true
visibility: "FullScreen"Item{ property double xb: 0; property double yb: 0; property double vx: 0; property double vy: 0; property int tita: 45; property int vi: 20; property double g: 9.8; Timer { id:time interval: 500 repeat: true running: true onTriggered:{ vx = vi*cos(tita); vy = vi*sin(tita)-(g*time); xb = vi*cos(tita)*time; yb = vi*sen(tita)*time-(1/2*(g*(time^2))); console.log(vx,vy,xb,yb) } } } Background{ id: background } Bird{ id: bird x: 20 y: 600 Behavior on x{ NumberAnimation{ duration: 600 } } } MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { bird.z = bird.z +1 bird.x= 1000 } }
Button {
text: "Salir"
onClicked: window.close()}
Please try to give id for your "Item" element, and try to access vi with ""
Item{ id: myItem .... ..... ... } Timer{ .... onTriggered :{ myItem.vx = * cos(myItem.tita) } }
Hi Patcs,
Move the Timer out of Item and use Math operation as bellow
Window {
id: window
visible: true// Item{
property double xb: 0;
property double yb: 0;
property double vx: 0;
property double vy: 0;
property int tita: 45;
property int vi: 20;
property double g: 9.8;Timer { id:time interval: 500 repeat: true running: true onTriggered:{ vx = vi * Math.cos(tita); vy = vi * Math.sin(tita)-(g*time); xb = vi * Math.cos(tita) * time; yb = vi * Math.sin(tita) * time-(1/2*(g*(time^2))); console.log(vx,vy,xb,yb) } }
// }
}The properties belongs to Window. And what you represent "time" in your calculation. time is id for Timer
I was trying and the only solution that I found was this:
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
import QtQml 2.2Window {
id: window
visible: true
visibility: "FullScreen"Item{
Timer { id:time interval: 500 repeat: true running: true property double xb: 0; property double yb: 0; property double vx: 0; property double vy: 0; property int tita: 45; property int vi: 20; property double g: 9.8; onTriggered:{ vx = vi*cos(tita); vy = vi*sin(tita)-(g*time); xb = vi*cos(tita)*time; yb = vi*sen(tita)*time-(1/2*(g*(time^2))); console.log(vx,vy,xb,yb) } }
id: background
id: bird
x: 20
y: 600Behavior on x{ NumberAnimation{ duration: 600 } }
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
bird.z = bird.z +1
bird.x= 1000
Button {
text: "Salir"
onClicked: window.close()}
}So, if someone need the solution, i found this, however I dont know if it is the best one. Thank you to everyone who have helped me!