Load a qml when button click
Hey. I need to load a graph.qml in main.qml and need to pass some value to from main.qml, so just created a rectangle and creating object of graph.qml and when i click on mouse (in main.qml) I am calling fucntion from graph.qml
like this mail.qml
Rectangle {
id: graphView
x: 0
y: 200
width: 630
height: 443
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop {
position: 0
color: "#ffffff"
}GradientStop { position: 1 color: "#000000" } } Graph { id:graphChart }
calling function here
anchors.fill: parentonClicked: { console.log(qsTr("Connect Button Clicked"))// + textEdit.text + '"')) // loader.source = "Graph.qml" graphChart.callme("Temprature","true") console.log(qsTr(myc.connectAurdino("Hello") +"from qml")) //To-do //Connection with aurdino will come here } }
Item {
id: graph
anchors.fill: parent
function callme(val1,val2)
console.log("I am called = "+val1+" =ok= "+val2)
ChartView {
title: "Sensor"
anchors.fill: parent
antialiasing: trueLineSeries { id:temperature name: val1 XYPoint { x: 0; y: 0 } XYPoint { x: 1.1; y: 2.1 } XYPoint { x: 1.9; y: 3.3 } XYPoint { x: 2.1; y: 2.1 } XYPoint { x: 2.9; y: 4.9 } XYPoint { x: 3.4; y: 3.0 } XYPoint { x: 4.1; y: 3.3 } }
but I am getting error because graph load before calling fucntion and doesnt find variable which i am assging in graph.qml so it gives refrence error.
Define one custom property in Graph.qml
property int val : 1000Set the value of this variable when you are creating Graph.qml object
@dheerendra it worked.
@dheerendra I need to load graph.qml when button click, I changed according to you but right now I am displaying graph in rectangle so when application start it load, but i need to load in button click
@dheerendra I did according to you and it works, but the main concern is I need to load graph.qml when click on button (Load graph)