Integrating QML with C++ - Plugin problems [Solved]
Hey there, I've been following the "developer slides": on the site but I am having an issue with regards to standalone testing of plugins.
Slide 55, Using Custom Types, says that if I have built the objects as ellipseplugin.dll and libellipseplugin.a in /plugins and have my qml and qmldir in /standalone then it should work.
The qmldir is set to the relative location of ../plugins - in fact everything is as stated in the slide but I've tried running it with:
C:\Scratchpad\QtQuick Demos\8. qml-cpp-integration>qmlviewer -I ex-extension-plugin\plugins\ ex-extension-plugin\standalone\ellipse9s.qml
but the Debugging>Show Warnings window gives
file:///C:/Scratchpad/QtQuick Demos/8. qml-cpp-integration/ex-extension-plugin/standalone/ellipse9s.qml:6:5: Ellipse is not a type
Ellipse {
@Is this just broken on Windows or is there something I'm missing. I don't get a .so but a .a as mentioned in the slides so is it possible the default project builds a static library rather than the correct shared object?
I don't have examples/declarative/cppextensions, I have:
C:\QtSDK\Examples\4.7<loads of examples>but even then the \declarative folder doesn't contain cppextensions:
! samples)!
I also can not find it in my QtSdk but look here: -
I think we're getting off topic here.
The code accompanying the slides compiles fine - I just can't use it with QMLViewer so I wondered if the slides are wrong, the code is wrong (in which case, I need someone to contact to correct them ) or my configuration is wrong.
Has anyone managed to run qmlviewer on the ellipse9s.qml example?
Boom sussed it. For me I changed QtCreator to build for mingw of the whole project, then launching a mingw command prompt from Programs>Qt SDK>Desktop>Qt 4.7.3 for Desktop (MingW).
I could then navigate to the directory and launch qmlviewer to view the app.
I figured that it must be a compilation/library configuration issue about 20 minutes after blowing away my Qt install and starting a new one and reading dialingo's mention of the .dll file...
Good times. I think I'm well on the way for my Qt Accreditation ;)