Use custom widget button in QMessageBox
Hello everybody,
I now appeal to your acquaintances because I find it difficult to achieve something.
I have a custom button. I would like this button to be the button that is in the QMessageBox.
I would like to promote the QMessageBox buttons by my custom buttons.
For my custom button, I have already create a class (for custom widget).Thank you for your help.
John. -
There's no widget promotion involved because you can't use QMessageBox in the designer, but you can do it from code.
supports all widgets derived fromQAbstractButton
as custom buttons. For example:class MyFancyButton : public QPushButton { public: MyFancyButton(const QString& text, QWidget* parent = nullptr) : QPushButton(text, parent) {} };
QMessageBox box(QMessageBox::Warning, "Hello", "I'm using a fancy button!", QMessageBox::NoButton, parent); box.addButton(new MyFancyButton("Foo"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); box.addButton(new MyFancyButton("Bar"), QMessageBox::RejectRole); box.exec();
Thank for you answer.
I have 3 errors now..
Screenshot: -
I have 3 errors now.
Sorry, but have you bothered to read them? ;)
The first one:
is a wrong identifier in this scope. I just used 'parent' as a placeholder. You need to put an actual parent in there. In your case it might bethis
for example.
The other two - I have a constructor inMyFancyButton
example that takes a string literal as a parameter. Do you have such a constructor in yourMsgButton
class? Can you show your constructor's signature? -
My class "MsgButton" is here.#ifndef MSGBUTTON_H #define MSGBUTTON_H #include <QPushButton> #include <QPropertyAnimation> #include <QMessageBox> class MsgButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( QColor BackgroundColor READ backgroundColor WRITE setBackgroundColor DESIGNABLE true ) public: MsgButton(const QString& text, QWidget* parent) : QPushButton(text, parent) { m_Animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "BackgroundColor", this); m_Animation->setDuration( 275 ); m_Animation->setEasingCurve( QEasingCurve::InCurve ); m_BackgroundColor = Qt::transparent; this->setBackgroundColor( QColor(55,55,58) ); } QColor backgroundColor() const { return m_BackgroundColor; } void setBackgroundColor( const QColor & color ) { if( m_BackgroundColor != color ) { m_BackgroundColor = color; this->setStyleSheet( QString("MsgButton { border: 1px solid; color: rgb(200,200,200); background-color: rgb(55,55,58); border-color: %1; }").arg( ); } } protected: virtual void enterEvent( QEvent * event ) { QPushButton::enterEvent(event); if( m_Animation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Animation->stop(); m_Animation->setEndValue( QColor(44,122,205) ); m_Animation->start(); } virtual void leaveEvent( QEvent* event ) { QPushButton::leaveEvent(event); QVariant currentColor = m_Animation->currentValue(); if( m_Animation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Animation->stop(); m_Animation->setEndValue( QColor(55,55,58) ); m_Animation->start(); } QPropertyAnimation* m_Animation; QColor m_BackgroundColor; }; #endif // MSGBUTTON_H
The difference is you didn't make your second parameter optional, so there' s no constructor taking only string literal.
The fix is to either give the parameter default value (that's usually the case with Qt's widgets):
MsgButton(const QString& text, QWidget* parent = nullptr) : QPushButton(text, parent)
or actually specify the parameter at call site:
box.addButton(new MsgButton("Foo", nullptr), QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
Btw. You should move your implementation into a .cpp file or you'll get a lot of linker errors when you include your header in more than one place.
Oh ok thanks.
Now i have actually 1 error (2 but is the same)..
Screenshot : -
is a C++11 keyword. To use it addCONFIG += c++11
in the .pro file and click Build->Run qmake. If you don't want to use C++11 (why not?) just changenullptr
, or, as a last resort, to0