Signal and signal handler in QtQuick Designer
Hello forum,
do we have to import any specific module to have the signal and signal handler into the qtquick designer interface ? I cannot have it with the following import:
import QtQuick 2.5
I followed a youtube video QtQuick Designer where it demonstrates the use to signal and signal handler in the QtQuick Designer interface. I would like to have the same connections interface in QtQuick Designer, but it is not visible.
Hope someone will show up with some tips!
@sajis997 There must be a ComboBox on the top-right side. By default it will show
. Click on it and chooseConnections
I tried as suggested , but the Connections is not in the combo-box
@sajis997 Are you sure looking at the right place ? What does that combobox contain ?
Which version of Qt Creator are you using? The connection editor was added to the open source version of Qt Creator 3.6.
I am using Qt Creator 3.5.1
Please update to Qt Creator 4.1. Qt Creator and the Qt Quick Designer improved a lot.