Qt Installer Framework: Windows Quick Launch
In Windows, it is easy to add a shortcut on the desktop:
if (isInstallDesktopIconChecked) { component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", "@TargetDir@/README.txt", "@DesktopDir@/README.lnk"); }
It would be nice if one could just as easily add a shortcut on the Quick Launch. I found I could do it with:
if (isInstallQuickLaunchIconChecked) { component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", "@TargetDir@/README.txt", "@HomeDir@/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Quick Launch/README.lnk"); }
It would be nice if it were simplified such as:
if (isInstallQuickLaunchIconChecked) { component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", "@TargetDir@/README.txt", "@QuickLaunchDir@/README.lnk"); }
Maybe a way exists, but I have not found it yet.
Apparently, recent versions of windows are now preventing any kind of automatic change to the taskbar: https://superuser.com/questions/1193985/command-line-code-to-pin-program-to-taskbar-windows-10
I tried the solution presented here for adding shortcut to the taskbar, but it didn't work. It probably used to work on older windows versions, but now, shortcut is created and added to the folded, but not visible on the taskbar. It's probably going to be difficult to change this, as it comes from windows side. The taskbar is the user's territory. Only he can modify it.