FlatBrowser, a new web browser
My name is MichelFlat, and today, I would like to introduce my browser. FlatBrowser.
http://img07.deviantart.net/6cab/i/2016/183/f/d/flatbrowser_b5_by_spaceos-da8g778.pngThere-a few months, I decided to develop an internet browser without any knowledge in programming, but a little more in design: a browser that would meet my needs in terms of functionality but also in terms of design .
So I created a browser, and it is FlatBrowser.
Learn more about the project
There-a few months, dissatisfaction vis-a-vis my browser combined with a very large period of free time led me to think of a project that would meet a browser (finally) my expectations. So I started the crazy bet to create without any programming knowledge browser.
General and advancement
You're probably wondering where is this little project ... Currently FlatBrowser offers 3 main features that meet my needs and were not present in other browsers:
Mary: The voice assistant FlatBrowser. It opens web pages and much more by voice.
Picture in picture: To see two videos simultaneously.
Lock: To lend his computer by blocking the browser
Then Blueflap has other basic functions browsers:Printing / Saving a page
Web inspector
Managing favorites
Home page
customization options
Applications and extensions.
objectivesThe personal goal of this browser is above all (for me) to progress in programming. Browser goals for the future are:
Being used as a secondary browser (or primary ^^) by a larger number of people
Integrate new functions
I also love the views of users with respect to the browser interface, design and features.Here. FlatBrowser in the version that I present is not yet available. We also have a website available here: www.flatsoftwares.hol.es
I look forward to your feedback! Thank you.[!!] This subject is not advertising, I would just have opinions. I do not know if this is the right section. So if I made a mistake, let me know and I will move it.
Hi, and welcome to the Qt forum. Is the browser based on Webkit or Chromium? Is this free software? Where's the source code? Why only for MS Windows?
hope it could support Chrome extension