"qt is undefined " when I declare QWebChannel
Hello everyone.
I tried to use QWebEngineView with Qt 5.7.0 on Windows, I found it dose not work to invoke c++ function from javascriptQWebChannel *channel{new QWebChannel(this)}; channel->registerObject(QStringLiteral("VisJsApi"), jsApi); channel->registerObject(QStringLiteral("VPntr"), pjso); webView->page()->setWebChannel(channel);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { new QWebChannel(qt.webChannelTransport, function(channel) { window.VisJsApi = channel.objects.VisJsApi; window.VPntr = channel.objects.VPntr; }); });
when I use textQtWebchannel to test.
function textQtWebchannel() { if (typeof QWebChannel != 'undefined') { alert("QWebChannel on"); } else { alert("QWebChannel off"); } if (typeof navigator != 'undefined') { alert("navigator on"); if (typeof navigator.qtWebChannelTransport != 'undefined') { alert("navigator.qtWebChannelTransport on"); } else { alert("navigator.qtWebChannelTransport off"); } } else { alert("navigator off"); } if (typeof qt != 'undefined') { alert("qt on"); if (typeof qt.webChannelTransport != 'undefined') { alert("qt.webChannelTransport on"); new QWebChannel(qt.webChannelTransport, function(channel) { window.VisJsApi = channel.objects.VisJsApi; window.VPntr = channel.objects.VPntr; }); } else { alert("qt.webChannelTransport off"); } } else { alert("qt off"); } };
what i finially find it print out:
QWebChannel on navigator on navigator.qtWebChannelTransport off qt off
@Mason1024 I have a bit different problem in QML undef Linux. It works but too fragile.
ApplicationWindow { visible: true title: "test: " + web.title menuBar: MenuBar { Menu { title: qsTr("&File") MenuItem { text: qsTr("&Web") onTriggered: { web.url = "http://meta.ua" } } MenuItem { text: qsTr("&Load") onTriggered: { web.loadHtml('dummy') } } MenuItem { text: qsTr("E&xit") onTriggered: Qt.quit(); } } } WebEngineView { id: web webChannel.registeredObjects: [] anchors.fill: parent userScripts: [testScript] WebEngineScript { id: testScript sourceCode: "document.title = 'qt = ' + typeof qt" injectionPoint: WebEngineScript.Deferred worldId: WebEngineScript.MainWorld } } }
More precisely. First time my page is loaded
is visible. But when I switchurl
or doloadHtml
I cannot accessqt.webChannelTransport
after page loads.
Besides that when I try to connect with remote web debugging (using envQTWEBENGINE_REMOTE_DEBUGGING=23654
) before page loaded I get the same problem on my first page.
is inaccessible without settingwebChannel.registeredObjects
itself during component load.
Looks like it is simply unstable yet that results in strange internal state.I'd trye to set
after settingwebChannel
.P.S. Mine
is built without systemffmpeg
. -
Let me know if you figured a way to make it work, currently stuck on this too.
I must say the documentation is lacking on QWebEngine.
The example is too complex for nothing, we don't want a chat server, just a simple WebPage communicating to C++ in both way (printing text and alert message example would be sufficient to understand).
I don't understand why they use a QWebSocket since it's not necessary?
Any more example around that could help? I did everything the docs says and I can't get it to work js-->c++, the other way is easy with runJavascript