Combine Multiple Images Into a Single PDF
it doesn't seem to chnage much unless I am using it wrong? here is my code 1870 and 994 is the size of my widget.making the pixmap the same as the size of my widget gives me excatly the same ouput as before so i made it smaller it's better but cuts most of the widget out
ui->page1->setBackgroundRole(QPalette::BrightText); QPixmap pixMap1(600,900); ui->page1->render(&pixMap1,QPoint(),QRegion(0,0,1870,994)); const QString fileName("D:/mydoc2.pdf"); QPdfWriter pdfWriter(fileName); pdfWriter.setPageSize(QPagedPaintDevice::A4); QPainter painter(&pdfWriter); painter.drawPixmap(QRect(0,0,pdfWriter.logicalDpiX()*8.3,pdfWriter.logicalDpiY()*11.7), pixMap1); pdfWriter.newPage();
Sorry, didn't read the right docs.
The rect is for clipping not resize the widget.
So render will not help you to render it yes, i guess to render it in different size, you must take widget out , call resize +render and put it back it.
Not sure how well it will work if there is other stuff in the layout.
If sole widget, it should work ok. -
@mrjj Yeah I tried this method and It works but it's not perfect even if I resize the widget to the size of an A4 and then take it's pixmap fore some reason in the pdf it loses some quality (it looks a lot better in the user interface then in the pdf )even tho they are both the same size.I tried different functions from the painter class to draw the pixamp but the all seam the same not so good .If I draw the pixmap withouth any scaling it is very small in the pdf .. any ideas?
maybe you could try to scale it before
drawing it to pdf.
the scale function can be adjusted to aim for quality
with Qt::SmoothTransformationnote. it returns the scaled pixmap not modify the original.
so something like
mypixmap = mypixmap.scaled(xx) -
well it was worth a shot.
I assume you play around with different scales?
Have you tried huge image like 1920x1080 and scale it down?
You are using
to calc how much to scale it?I dont remember quality being so bad but i was using a fairly
large resolution so the widget was not that small. -
@mrjj yes I am using it the quality is not so good however if I save it into an image its gives me a good quality so it seems taking an image instead of a pixmap a lot better.
just like this
but this make me save 5 usless Images and I could not find a way to just use it temporarly.. -
have you tried to convert to qimage and draw it?
Not sure why saving as png makes any difference. -
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