Store XML data in a String Array using ListView
General and Desktop
I have and xml string.
<Output> <user> <name>Allan</name> <surname>Smith</surname> <age>64<age> </user> <user> <name>Bradley</name> <surname>Carrel</surname> <age>58<age> </user> <user> <name>Sam</name> <surname>Johnson</surname> <age>24<age> </user> </Output>
I want to store the xml data inside three String arrays, eg names[], surnames[], ages[].
I am using QML's list view to read the xml data :
ListView{ anchors.fill: parent id: schemelist model: XmlListModel{ id: xmlListModel query: "/Output/user" XmlRole{ name : "name" ; query: "name/string()"; } XmlRole{ name : "surname" ; query: "surname/string()"; } XmlRole{ name : "age" ; query: "age/string()"; } } delegate:Item { //I need to find the way to push the values into the arrays as the are processed //eg function storedata(){ names.push(name); surnames.push(surname); ages.push(ages) } } }
I need to store the data read from the xml to my arrays as it's processed from the ListView. Please help.
Check XmlListModel
ListView{ anchors.fill: parent id: schemelist model: XmlListModel{ id: xmlListModel query: "/GetQuote_pinnafrica_Output/Get_Quote_Response" XmlRole{ name : "Scheme_Code" ; query: "Scheme_Code/string()"; } XmlRole{ name : "Scheme_Desciption" ; query: "Scheme_Description/string()"; } XmlRole{ name : "Gross_Premium" ; query: "Gross_Premium/string()"; } XmlRole{ name : "Premium_Type" ; query: "Premium_Type/string()"; } XmlRole{ name : "Quote_Number" ; query: "Quote_Number/string()"; } } delegate:Item { function storevalues(){ names.push(names) surnames.push(surname) ages.push(age) } } }
Personally I'd do this in C++ but if you want to stick to declarative check the add() signal
Thanks for the reply @VRonin . I decide to take your advice on using c++ to do all the array work.
i created a object class
#ifndef MAINOBJECT_H #define MAINOBJECT_H #include <QObject> #include <QDebug> class MainObject : public QObject{ Q_OBJECT public: explicit MainObject (QObject* parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {} Q_INVOKABLE void addvalues(QString name,QString surname,QString age) { qDebug() << "name : " << name; qDebug() << "surname : " << surname; qDebug() << "age : " << age; } }; #endif // MAINOBJECT_H
Registered it in my main.cpp file
qmlRegisterType<MainObject>("com.mycode", 1, 0, "MainObject");
And called it in my .qml file
import com.mycode 1.0 . . . . MainObject.addvalues(name,surname,age);
but now i am getting this error :
qrc:/test.qml:69: TypeError: Property 'addvalues' of object [object Object] is not a function
Is there something i am missing, Please help