How to deploy virtual keyboard on Windows
hi all,
I'm using 5.7 with virtual keyboard,
I tried to copy platforminputcontexts and qml\QtQuick\VirtualKeyboard to app folder, but seems the keyboard does not want to appear. It do working when I copy app to Qt\5.7\mingw53_32\bin folder.Please give me a hint, thank you in advance.
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It was really strange that I found if I use Qt5Core.dll from where windeployqt copied, the keyboard won't show; but if I manully copied Qt5Core.dll from QtPATH/bin, it's working!! I compared with two dll, seems..fine.Anyway, windeployqt will missing copy platforminputcontexts, QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard, QtQuick.2, Qt5Qml and Qt5Quick
Just confused by the two Qt5Core.dll
windeployqt patches the copied dlls to not include hardcoded paths to Qt plugins. Because of that it may seem that manual copy solves the problem, but in fact it creates a worse one. The hardcoded paths make it work on your machine no matter what location you run it from, but it won't work when you deploy your app to another computer. That's one of the roles of windeployqt - to give you a deployment package that you can test as if it were tested on another machine. If after using it something is missing then something is really missing.