QML video element and UNC paths
The source property takes a URL. Try:
@source: "file://nas/films/some_clip.mp4"@
does not work: (
!http://fastman.org/foto/unc_fail.png(fail)! -
I manage to make it work with a local file but not with a remote one.
I get the "DirectShowPlayerService::doSetUrlSource: Unresolved error code 80070003". It seems that the problem is different here.
I have a windows 7 compiled version of QtMobility. And I have to read videos over http.
I tried with remote files over samba (like you) and I got the same error code.Has anyone ever managed to play video over Internet with the QML video player ?
Any help ?
[quote author="mattlc" date="1311166984"]Thanks a lot ! Now we have some other errors, but not related to this one.
Do you know if Qml video player works with http videos ?
thank you.[/quote]
Try this for example:
source: "http://pseudo01.hddn.com/vod/demo.flowplayervod/Extremists.flv" -
[quote author="mattlc" date="1311170179"]This is OK for flv and ts files. Thank you !
I tried ".mp4" =>
- local playing : OK
- remote over http : KO "DirectShowPlayerService::doSetUrlSource: Unresolved error code 80004005"
Any idea ?[/quote]
I'm not sure, but probably you need the following:
Your HTTP server must be able psevdostriming h264
Your MP4 clips should be "hinted"
[quote author="fas.ysk" date="1311171240"][quote author="mattlc" date="1311170179"]This is OK for flv and ts files. Thank you !
I tried ".mp4" =>
- local playing : OK
- remote over http : KO "DirectShowPlayerService::doSetUrlSource: Unresolved error code 80004005"
Any idea ?[/quote]
I'm not sure, but probably you need the following:
Your HTTP server must be able psevdostriming h264
Your MP4 clips should be "hinted"
We tried with tomcat which automatically make pseudostreaming stuff, but it ends with another issue. Here the problem is that there aren't any error code.
It seams to be related to DirectShow with H264 over http... And I have not found anywhere a working example or anyone who tried this with QtMobility player on Windows.
PseudoStreaming h264 works fine.
You can see it:
!http://fastman.org/foto/h264_pstr.png(pseudostreaming h264)! -
Excellent! So this is possible !
The video you use doesn't work on my app. For QtMobility windows buid, did you do any custom config ?
I just followed the nokia guidelines :@configure -prefix %QTDIR%
mingw32-make install@The result is this one :
!http://my-v.fr/sites/default/files/directShowPb.png(Not working test)!
I use default configuration. But I do not use mingw32. For windows I always use nmake/cl from MSVS.
Qt 4.7.2 I compiled from sources with my own configuration.configure -shared -debug-and-release -phonon -multimedia -audio-backend -mp -plugin-sql-odbc -declarative -webkit -qt-libpng -qt-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -qt-style-windowsvista -qt-style-windowsxp -platform win32-msvc2010
After many different codec tests, I still have a problem but I can focus on it much more precisely.
I installed MPC in order to have a stable directshow player.
With the codec tweak tools, I disabled all third part codecs and I was able to play a local mp4 file by using native DTV/DVD windows codec on MPC and Qt Player.
I also tried q remote http mp4 file :
- on MPC : OK (using quartz.dll = DirectShow Source Filters for remote files and haali splitter.ax splitter for mp4)
- on Qt Player : KO.
QtMultimedia fail to find a DirectShow source filter.
Here is the line which fails in DirectShow Qt Plugin class (DirectShowPlayerService):
@hr = m_graph->AddSourceFilter(
reinterpret_cast<const OLECHAR *>(url.toString().utf16()), L"Source", &source);@"m_graph" is a IFilterGraph2 implementation created by the DirectShow "CoCreateInstance" function.
This class (DirectShowPlayerService) use static GUIDs for building both the graph and the source filter. I didn't managed to find any of these GUID in my available codecs and in directshow api reference.
Can you or anyone tell me if this sound like a Qt bug or a wrong codec environment ?
Thanks a lot.
@fas.ysk : thanks for all of your help
I guess this is https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTMOBILITY-1802
i am using QML and i want to play video from http://www.youtube.com so any one of you help me resolve this issue.
video link like =http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdNdmc83xe4