DelegateModel .get function returns nothing
Hi there,
I'm having problems getting the values of particular rows from a DelegateModel. The get() function works fine on the ListModel. However when I try call get() on the DelegateModel it returns nothing, {}.
I've included a simplified example below. In which I create a ListModel, attach it to DelegateModel and then print the values of the model using ListModel.get() and DelegateModel.items.get(). The DelegateModel finds the right number of items but in for each get call, isn't able to find anything.
What have I missed?
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQml.Models 2.1 Item { id: mainContainer ... Component { id: d ... } ListModel { id: mylist ListElement { name: "Polly" type: "Parrot" age: 12 size: "Small" } ListElement { name: "Penny" type: "Turtle" age: 4 size: "Small" } ListElement { name: "Warren" type: "Rabbit" age: 2 size: "Small" } ListElement { name: "Spot" type: "Dog" age: 9 size: "Medium" } } DelegateModel { id: visualModel model: mylist delegate: d Component.onCompleted: { //Iterate over the ListModel and show that the values exist console.debug("VISUAL MODEL completed... dumping mylist"); for (var i = 0; i < mylist.count; i++) { console.debug("NAME: ", mylist.get(i).name); console.debug("TYPE: ", mylist.get(i).type); } //Iterate over the DelegateModel.items and attempt to print console.debug("... dumping visualModel.items"); for (var i = 0; i < visualModel.items.count; i++) { console.debug("Print item ", i); console.debug(JSON.stringify(visualModel.items.get(i))); console.debug("NAME:", visualModel.items.get(i).name); } } } }
qml: VISUAL MODEL completed... dumping mylist
qml: NAME: Polly
qml: TYPE: Parrot
qml: NAME: Penny
qml: TYPE: Turtle
qml: NAME: Warren
qml: TYPE: Rabbit
qml: NAME: Spot
qml: TYPE: Dog
qml: ... dumping visualModel.items
qml: Print item 0
qml: {}
qml: NAME: undefined
qml: Print item 1
qml: {}
qml: NAME: undefined
qml: Print item 2
qml: {}
qml: NAME: undefined
qml: Print item 3
qml: {}
qml: NAME: undefined