Split a QString and remove the rest
I want to split a QString using a delimiter and get the text after, removing everything that comes after that text, for example.
QString a = "@john.foo"; QString b = "@john_foo"; QString c = "@john foo"; QString d = "@john!foo"; auto result = a.split('@').last();
I want the result to be only
in all cases above. I want to remove everything that comes after, if it's a space or any other character that is not alphabetic or numeric. -
Just checking, what would you expect from:
QString e = "mary@jane@john@peter_russell";
jane? or peter?
@Paul-Colby - Always the last one, and about the "_", it would be valid, we can see it as a replacement for a space.
You could use a QRegExp (Qt 4.8) or a (QRegularExpression (Qt 5.x))[http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qregularexpression.html], this would allow you to capture any alphanumeric character following
. -
@Volebab said:
@Paul-Colby - Always the last one, and about the "_", it would be valid, we can see it as a replacement for a space.
I take that to mean "peter".
As @JohanSolo said, you can use QRegularExpression - that would probably be easiest, but not necessarily fastest (depends on which is more important to you).
For example:
QString one(const QString &input) { const QRegularExpression re(".*@([A-Za-z0-9]+)"); const QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(input); return match.hasMatch() ? match.captured(1) : QString(); } ... QString a = "@john.foo"; QString b = "@john_foo"; QString c = "@john foo"; QString d = "@john!foo"; QString e = "mary@jane@john@peter_russell"; qDebug() << "a" << one(a); qDebug() << "b" << one(b); qDebug() << "c" << one(c); qDebug() << "d" << one(d); qDebug() << "e" << one(e);
a "john" b "john" c "john" d "john" e "peter"
And a (possibly) faster version without using regular expressions:
QString two(const QString &input) { const int startPos = input.lastIndexOf('@', -2) + 1; if (startPos <= 0) return QString(); // Failed to match. int endPos; for (endPos = startPos + 1; (endPos < input.size()) && (input.at(endPos).isLetterOrNumber()); ++endPos); return input.mid(startPos, endPos - startPos); }
Output is identical to the above version. There may be differences between to two, but not in the given test scenarios ;)