QTextDocument.setHtml() + CSS @font-face
General and Desktop
I'm using a QTextDocument and the setHtml() function the generate some documents.
On the document i'd like to have a specific text in a custom font.QString css = "..."; //some css css += "@font-face { font-family: MyFont; src: url('MyFont.ttf'); }"; QString html = ".." //some html html += "<span style=\"font-family:myFont;\">text</span>"; doc.setHtml(css+html)
but sadly the text in the document doesn't change to my font.
The file "MyFont.tff" is in the same directory as the binary;
Also: installing the font in C:\Windows\Fonts is not an option;
How can I asign MyFont to the text?thx for helping ;)
hi and welcome
Try withQString FullPathFont( qApp->applicationDirPath()+"/"+" "MyFont.tff"); qDebug() << "font:" << FullPathFont; // please check its correct :) int id = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(FullPathFont);
check id. -1 means not loaded.
This should make the font available to your app .
Thank you,
Problem solved.
For future reference:int fontID = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont("MyFont.ttf"); QString fontFamily = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(fontID).at(0); ... html += "<span style=\""+fontFamily+"\">text</span>";