Problem with Query - QODBC, Informix
Yes of course, I hope If paste link from PasteBin is fine.
pacjenci_window.cpp: other's action's button's and table action not work corretly too :) but step by step for solve all problem's :)
@old pastebin, sorry, now changed to the newest code. -
Maybe the following helps:
uQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO pacjent(nr_ubezpieczenia, imie_pacjenta, nazwisko_pacjenta, adres_pacjenta, telefon_pacjenta) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); uQuery.bindValue(0 ,ui->nr_ub->text()); uQuery.bindValue(1 ,ui->imie->text()); uQuery.bindValue(2 ,ui->nazwisko->text()); uQuery.bindValue(3 ,ui->adres->text()); uQuery.bindValue(4 ,ui->nr_tel->text());
No, still not working :(@edit I changed some options in IBM Informix ODBC driver setup, now it looks like:
And now I'm getting this error:
QODBCResult::exec: Unable to execute statement: "[Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]CURSOR not on SELECT statement." -
Have you noticed the end of th query:
INSERT INTO ... VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
I aks, because there is no line break and it's not visible.
Yes, I just copied your code to mine.
void pacjenci_window::on_dodaj_clicked()
QSqlQuery uQuery = QSqlQuery(db);
uQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO pacjent(nr_ubezpieczenia, imie_pacjenta, nazwisko_pacjenta, adres_pacjenta, telefon_pacjenta) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
uQuery.bindValue(0 ,ui->nr_ub->text());
uQuery.bindValue(1 ,ui->imie->text());
uQuery.bindValue(2 ,ui->nazwisko->text());
uQuery.bindValue(3 ,ui->adres->text());
uQuery.bindValue(4 ,ui->nr_tel->text());
sQuery.prepare("SELECT * FROM pacjent");
qDebug() << uQuery.lastError().text() << " DODAJ BUTTON select";
@added qDebug to uQuery too, new error:
QODBCResult::exec: Unable to execute statement: "[Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]CURSOR not on SELECT statement."
"[Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]CURSOR not on SELECT statement. QODBC3: Unable to execute statement" DODAJ BUTTON insert -
Qt docu says:
QString stores a string of 16-bit QChars, where each QChar corresponds one Unicode 4.0 character.Informix is old and I suppose cannot handle Unicode.
Try toStdString() or toLocal8Bit() to bind values. -
toStdString() - error:
C:\Users\michu\Documents\przychodnia_projekt\pacjenci_window.cpp:60: błąd: no matching function for call to 'QSqlQuery::bindValue(int, std::string)'
uQuery.bindValue(1 ,ui->imie->text().toStdString());
Trying to add additional variables with toStdString() and then add them to bindvalue by name but dont work too.toLocal8bit() - the same error as on begin:
QODBCResult::exec: Unable to execute statement: "[Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]CURSOR not on SELECT statement."
"[Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]CURSOR not on SELECT statement. QODBC3: Unable to execute statement" DODAJ BUTTON insert@edit:
trying with toUtf8() - same error like above.
with toWCharArray() - same error like toStdString()@edit
for toStdString() & toUtf8 I added data() but now error is the same like for others...uQuery.bindValue(1 ,ui->imie->text().toUtf8().data());
QODBCResult::exec: Unable to execute statement: "[Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]CURSOR not on SELECT statement."
"[Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]CURSOR not on SELECT statement. QODBC3: Unable to execute statement" DODAJ BUTTON insert -
Yes! I found solution. Its simply uncheck option Insert Coursor in ODBC IBM driver config...
Like on picture:
Thanks guys for support. -
hi,@Mich-Q ,i'm new about qt and informix, i need informix driver,can you sent it to me.if it is win32,it is better,can you?my english is terrible-.-。thank you.
Hi and welcome to the forums
you can use ODBC for connecting Qt to informix server.
As far as i know there is no native Qt driver for informix.
Sorry I dont its download link.
@mrjj hi,i know there is no native qt driver for informix.when i saw this topic ,i find,there is a dialog which title is "ibm informix odbc driver setup", i think you have the informix odbc driver...
i guess you dont have informix odbc driver,is that right? -
Yes, Qt do not come with ODBC drivers. They are supplied by the vendors or microsoft.
Oddly i cannot find a download link at IBM.
Even other pages mention it
This seems to be the SDK
but i have no idea what version of the actual server it works with etc. -
@mrjj thank you still