connect to sql server
I was attached sql server in Qt
As long as I connected database in sql server
The program works correctly, but when your database
I cut not connected(deattach) in sql server
Not connected to the database,Error Messages:QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
My database directory is located in the folder debug program
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC");
QString dbPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() +"/managetablo.mdf";
db.setDatabaseName("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=.;AttachDbFilename"+dbPath+";Database=db;Trusted_Connection=Yes");;
this->model = new QSqlQueryModel();
model->setQuery("SELECT * FROM [managetablo].[dbo].[Vistor]");
ui->tableView->setModel(model); -
I changed my code as follows:
qDebug() <<"open";QSqlQuery qry; if(qry.exec("SELECT * FROM [managetablo].[dbo].[Vistor]")) { while( { qDebug() <<qry.value(0).toString(); } } else { qDebug()<< "error:"<<db.lastError().text(); } qDebug() <<"close"; db.close();
qDebug()<< "error:"<<db.lastError().text();
When I attach the database in sql server studio
Information is read and true But when
database is detach,Information from databse Not Read
Following messages from qDebug statement:
error: " "
close -
@hskoglund said:
Hi maybe your SQL Server Browser service is not running, try starting it, usually it's located in something like
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\
sqlbrowser.exe -c
I told you to run commands,but I received the following error message:
sql browser:failed starting OLAP redirection services with error 1 -
- Remove Database=db; from connecting string
- Convert Trusted_Connection=Yes to Integrated Security=SSPI; (or Integrated Security=True;)
- Test again.
@Hamed.Masafi said:
- Remove Database=db; from connecting string
- Convert Trusted_Connection=Yes to Integrated Security=SSPI; (or Integrated Security=True;)
- Test again.
Like talking to you
I connecting string made
The message error gives the following:error: "[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Login failed for user ''. [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Invalid connection string attribute QODBC3: Unable to connect"
Please try to use this Qt Sql utility
by clicking on "Open from datasource", following the wizard and at the end trying to write and run a query in the sql field.
If this utility works on your machine than can I can help you. -
You should use the QAxObject object
QAXOConn= new QAxObject("ADODB.Connection");
and Ado to manage databases.
I normally use QSqlDatabase object to manage sqlite and PostgreSql databases but with the others (SqlServer, Oracle, DBII) I normally use Ado.
After you have implemented Ado you can manage each type of databases because all databases have the Ado drivers (PostgreSql maybe not)