Undefined properties and return types when using WebChannel
Trying to get a handle on QWebChannel and its use, see the basic test code below. My questions are:
- During javascript construction of the new QWebChannel, there are plenty of prints in Qt console for "Property '?'' of object '?' has no notify signal and is not constant, value updates in HTML will be broken!". What's this about, how do I fix it?
- All the C++ object properties are undefined..what is the correct way to retrieve the properties over the webchannel?
- All the return values from the C++ functions comes back as undefined...what is the correct way to receive the C++ returned value in the javascript?
.pro file
QT += core gui QT += network webenginewidgets webchannel widgets TARGET = hfbTestWebChannel TEMPLATE = app SOURCES += hfbTestWebChannel.cpp RESOURCES += hfbTestWebChannel.qrc
.html file
<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="qrc:///qtwebchannel/qwebchannel.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var theQtObj; function buttonA() { PrintLog("Button A:init") if (typeof qt !== "undefined") { new QWebChannel(qt.webChannelTransport, function(channel) { theQtObj = channel.objects.theQtObj; PrintLog(" done, now theQtObj=" + theQtObj.toString()); }); } else PrintLog("!!!qt undefined!!!" ); } function buttonB() { PrintLog("Button B : call c++ and get some answers!") if(typeof theQtObj !== "undefined") { var X = prompt("Enter a number", "5"); PrintLog("theQtObj=" + theQtObj + " => X=" + X); var n = theQtObj.getInt(X); PrintLog(" back in js with n="+n); var d = theQtObj.getDouble(n); PrintLog(" back in js with d="+d); var s = theQtObj.getString(d.toString()); PrintLog("X:" + X + "->" + n + "->" + d + "->" + s); } else PrintLog(" --> theQtObj not defined"); } function buttonC() { PrintLog("Button C:get c++ object member elements") if(typeof theQtObj !== "undefined") { PrintLog("theQtObj._theString=" + theQtObj._theString); PrintLog("theQtObj._theInt=" + theQtObj._theInt); } else PrintLog(" --> theQtObj not defined"); } var x=0; function PrintLog(txt) { var myBox = document.getElementById("textBoxLog"); myBox.value += ("\n" + x + ": " + txt); myBox.scrollTop = myBox.scrollHeight; return (x++); } </script> <p>Test Example to call Qt function from Javascript </p> <p> <input type="button" value=" A:init " onclick="buttonA()"> <input type="button" value=" B:get int " onclick="buttonB()"> <input type="button" value="C:get members" onclick="buttonC()"> </p> <p> <textarea id="textBoxLog" rows="31" cols="95"> textBoxLog </textarea> </p> </body> </html>
.cpp file
#include <QWebEngineView> #include <QApplication> #include <QtWebChannel/QtWebChannel> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class hfbDisplayWidget : public QWebEngineView { Q_OBJECT public: hfbDisplayWidget(QWidget * parent) : QWebEngineView(parent) { page()->setWebChannel(&_webchannel); _webchannel.registerObject(QString("theQtObj"), this); _theString = "Hello World"; _theInt = 777; } QWebChannel _webchannel; Q_INVOKABLE QString _theString; Q_INVOKABLE int _theInt; Q_INVOKABLE int getInt(QVariant n) { int N = n.toInt(); QString js = QString("PrintLog('c++ getInt(%1) fired!')").arg(N); _theString = js; _theInt = N; page()->runJavaScript(js, [=](const QVariant &rslt){ qDebug() << js << " -> " << rslt; }); return N*100; } Q_INVOKABLE double getDouble(QVariant d) { double D = d.toDouble(); QString js = QString("PrintLog('c++ getDouble(%1) fired!')").arg(D); page()->runJavaScript(js, [=](const QVariant &rslt){ qDebug() << js << " -> " << rslt; }); return (D+0.12345); } Q_INVOKABLE QString getString(QVariant s) { QString S = s.toString(); QString js = QString("PrintLog('c++ getString(%1) fired!')").arg(S); page()->runJavaScript(js, [=](const QVariant &rslt){ qDebug() << js << " -> " << rslt; }); return (QString("c++ called with:'") + S + QString("'")); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); hfbDisplayWidget view(nullptr); view.setUrl(QUrl("qrc:/hfbTestWebChannel.html")); view.show(); return a.exec(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "hfbTestWebChannel.moc"