QML Camera change resolution on Windows
I have got a Logitech Webcam pluged in a Windows 7 PC. I want to capture Still images from this camera in the best possible resolution.
My camera is 800x600 compatible, but all the capture I made are 640x480. The result is the same with a better HD camera. All photos have 640x480 resolution.
To check the validity of the camera :
"var res = camera.supportedViewfinderResolutions(15);
console.debug("Camera resolution : " + JSON.stringify(res));"wchodze do detekcjiqml: Camera resolution : [{"width":160,"height":120},{"width":176,"height":144},{"width":320,"height":176},{"width":320,"height":240},{"width":352,"height":288},{"width":432,"height":240},{"width":544,"height":288},{"width":640,"height":360},{"width":640,"height":480},{"width":752,"height":416},{"width":800,"height":448},{"width":864,"height":480},{"width":800,"height":600},{"width":960,"height":544}]
Here is the code I use :
Camera { id: camera captureMode: Camera.CaptureStillImage imageCapture { resolution: "800x600" onImageCaptured: { ... } } }
Thanks for your help