What is the best way to encrypt large binary data using QCA
Hello everyone ! I hope you're having a nice day!
In fact, I was to using the QCA library in Qt , and everything works great except when I want to encrypt large files ....
When i try to encrypt large files that are binary , the output is really small.. I don't understand why ?
I dont 't know if it is teh problem of my code
For example , look at my code, I do not know if anyone could give me an example of a project that I can use as a referencevoid AESCrypt::writeBinary(QByteArray arr, QString filePath) { QFile f(filePath); qDebug()<<" Transfering to new File"+f.fileName(); if(!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Truncate)){ qDebug()<<" Failed to Write to the file "+filePath+"__>"+f.errorString();return; } // QDataStream out(&f); // out.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); // *** set little endian byte order // out<<arr; f.write(arr); qDebug()<<" J ai ecrit "+QString::number(arr.size())+" "+hash(arr).toHex(); f.close(); } QByteArray AESCrypt::readBinary(QString filePath) { QFile f(filePath); if(!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ qDebug()<<" Failed to Open to the file "+filePath+"__>"+f.errorString(); return QByteArray(); } // QDataStream in(&f); // in.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); // *** set little endian byte order QByteArray arr=f.readAll(); // in>>arr; f.close(); qDebug()<<" J ai lu "+QString::number(arr.size())+" "+hash(arr).toHex(); return arr; } QByteArray AESCrypt::encrypt(QByteArray data, QString _pass) { qDebug()<<"pass to encrypt "+_pass; QByteArray chiperKey = hash(_pass.toLocal8Bit()); key = QCA::SymmetricKey(chiperKey.left(64)); iv = QCA::InitializationVector(chiperKey.right(64)); QCA::Cipher cipher(CODEC,QCA::Cipher::CBC,QCA::Cipher::DefaultPadding, QCA::Encode,key, iv); QList<QByteArray> lista = split(data, 15); QCA::SecureArray encrypted; foreach (QByteArray item, lista) { cipher.setup(QCA::Encode, key, iv); QCA::SecureArray secureData = cipher.update(item); QCA::SecureArray encryptedData = cipher.final(); if (!cipher.ok()) { qDebug() << "Encryption failed !"; return ""; } encrypted.append(encryptedData); } return encrypted.toByteArray(); } QByteArray AESCrypt::decrypt(QByteArray data, QString _pass) { qDebug()<<"pass to decrypt "+_pass; QByteArray chiperKey = hash(_pass.toLocal8Bit()); key = QCA::SymmetricKey(chiperKey.left(64)); iv = QCA::InitializationVector(chiperKey.right(64)); QCA::Cipher cipher = QCA::Cipher(CODEC,QCA::Cipher::CBC,QCA::Cipher::DefaultPadding, QCA::Decode,key,iv); QList<QByteArray> lista = split(data, 16); QCA::SecureArray encrypted; foreach (QByteArray item, lista) { if(item.size()>0){ cipher.setup(QCA::Decode, key, iv); QCA::SecureArray encryptedData = cipher.process(item); if (!cipher.ok()) { qDebug() << "Decryption failed !"; return ""; } encrypted.append(encryptedData); } } return QString(encrypted.data()).toUtf8(); }
Thank you