Creating and showing new QML objects from C++
Hi, I am trying to create a new object in C++, and delete an old one, basically replacing it. I have created the QObject, and have given it the properties I want, but I cannot show it on the page.
QObject *j = new QObject(); j->setParent(title->parent()); j->setProperty("x", title->property("x")); j->setProperty("y", title->property("y")); j->setProperty("z", title->property("z")); j->setProperty("width", title->property("width")); j->setProperty("height", title->property("height")); j->setProperty("color", "#ffffff"); j->setProperty("text", val.trimmed()); title->setProperty("text",val.trimmed());
basically I want to create j, and replace title with it.
I understand I can change the text of title, but that is not what I want to do.
@JackCWallace You need to set an visual parent to the newly created item using setParentItem. For this you will have to create a