How to initiate a binding property updating by change another property from javascript?
I have some QML sample which sets a source of image and automatically changes its width and I want the width of parent has been also updated without explicit intervention
import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.3 Item { width: 300; height: 300 Item { id: item width: element.width height: element.height Column { id: element Image { id: image } Label { id: label text: "K" } } Component.onCompleted: { console.log ("Width item: " + item.width + " element: " + element.width + " image: " + image.width + " label: " + label.width) image.source = "img.bmp" console.log ("Width item: " + item.width + " element: " + element.width + " image: " + image.width + " label: " + label.width) } } }
Console output shows that width of image is updated, but width of column (named "element") don't. How to do it automatically updated?
You should be able to do this declaratively, by declaring either:
width: image.width
width: childrenRect.width
for the "element" column.
Note that this will "bind" the values. Binding is automatic in QML declarations. If you wish to bind from an imperative statement (ie, from within a JavaScript function) you can use:
width = Qt.binding(function() { image.width });
Hope this helps!