Kinetic scrolling QTableWidget
I am working on application development for Embedded Linux platform having Resistive touch screen (AM335x)
In my UI, I have a table designed using QTableWidget with Custom Delegates and custom widgets, to get the look and feel on how I wanted.
Now, I would like to implement touch scrolling instead of traditional scroll bar. I guess the touch scroll is called in many ways (Finger scroll, flicker, flick charm, etc)
Since am using Qt 4.8, I guess that, there is no built-in implementation in Qt.
I had a look at web and found multiple solutions, but am afraid that if the solution is tested well or it has bugs so on. Reason is that, I had used one solution and the kinetic scroll acceleration was not controllable.
I would like to get the best implementation, easy to integrate, no bugs.
Can you help me on this?
Kumara -
Did you already saw this article ?
@SGaist Hi Sam, I have seen this article. Am being unlucky, doesn't work anymore.
I guess all the Qt source code in Not sure of how to access it.
The official repositories are now located at
The graphics-dojo is here
@SGaist Hi Sam. I did git clone on graphics-dojo git repo and had a look at the projects - FlickCharm and Flickable.
Both works on paint event. Which looks to be bit costly operation on embedded platform.
More over, the list of items have been prepared first first and drawn during paint event.
In my requirement, the list of items are dynamic in nature. Meaning, the item can appear based on signals coming from hardware.
So, I am not sure how these implementations will help me to draw the list of items dynamically.
Any thoughts on this?
Thank you,
Kumara -
Just checked the code of FlickCharm, it does not touch the paintEvent so it looks like what you want, no ?