need help to translate python script to Qt quick qml code
Hi, I am wondering if somebody could help me to translate py- code to Qt qml code because i have one code script in py and one in qml.
The py code looks like this
from socket import * HOST = '' PORT = 8001 ADDR = (HOST, PORT) serversock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) serversock.bind(ADDR) serversock.listen(2) while 1: print("Wait for connection") clientsock, addr = serversock.accept() print('Connected from' + str(addr)) while 1: data = clientsock.recv(2048) print(data) serversock.close()
and i wont to translate it and use 'data' variable as angle in my ui in qml. please help me.
Hi @antemort,
It can't be done purely in QML. You will need to use sockets on C++ side. Qt has C++ API's for sockets. QTcpServer creates a server and QTcpSocket for client. After that you will need to expose them to QML.
Edit: Some one has tried to do that already. See