Customization PathView
I have the code:
PathView { id: view preferredHighlightBegin: 1 preferredHighlightEnd: 1 pathItemCount: Math.floor(Math.PI * activeTask.width * 340/(2 * 180 * 120)) highlightRangeMode: PathView.ApplyRange//PathView.StrictlyEnforceRange anchors.fill: parent model: aTask.underTask delegate: delegateTask property int dragIndex: -1 path: Path { startX: (activeTask.width / 2 - 35) * Math.cos(200 * Math.PI/180) + activeTask.width / 2 startY: (activeTask.width / 2 - 35) * Math.sin(200 * Math.PI/180) + activeTask.width / 2 PathArc { x: (activeTask.width / 2 - 35) * Math.cos(160 * Math.PI/180) + activeTask.width / 2 y: (activeTask.width / 2 - 35) * Math.sin(160 * Math.PI/180) + activeTask.width / 2 radiusX: activeTask.width / 2 - 35 radiusY: activeTask.width / 2 - 35 useLargeArc: true } } }
model write in C++ and added in QML like so:
rootContext()->setContextProperty("aTask", &activeTask);I update model and in PathView visible only first element. but if move element then visible all elements. How to fix it?
How to get to rotate elements in one direction only?
How to make visible certain element? -
Hi @Trikrista,
I update model and in PathView visible only first element. but if move element then visible all elements. How to fix it?
I guess this could be the problem with
. The value must be evaluating to a non expected result. Possibly related toactiveTask.width
. For testing try hard coding the value.How to get to rotate elements in one direction only?
AFAIK there is no such feature yet.
How to make visible certain element?
Use positionViewAtIndex.