How to replace a word between two elements in a XML file
Hi, i'm working with the class QRegExp and i need to replace a word between two elements in a XML file, for example, i have this text
<Vars> </Vars> <Code> cvNamedWindow("ventana_con_AUTOSIZE",1); cvShowImage("ventana_con_AUTOSIZE", image); cvWaitKey(0); cvReleaseImage(&image); </Code>
I need to replace the ampersand, or all ampersands, to & amp; between <Code> and </Code>, never before <Code> or after </Code>. I tried this
QRegExp re_code"(?:<Code>)(?:.*)&(?!amp;)(?=.*</Code)"
but it doesn't work, it replaces from <Code> to &. The result is this:
<Vars> </Vars> &image); </Code>
I want to do the same with >, < and all illegal characters of XML that they have to be escaped.
Thanks in advance
I am not sure of how you like to replace the character.
However, to me it looks that your match of QRegExp is not correct. It is:<Code> cvNamedWindow("ventana_con_AUTOSIZE",1); cvShowImage("ventana_con_AUTOSIZE", image); cvWaitKey(0); cvReleaseImage(&
If you replace this, the result is logical. The result of your regular expression you can easily check if you are using the QRegExp example.
@koahnig I replace it using this piece of code
QFile f(dir); if(! { QMessageBox::information(0, "error", f.errorString()); } QTextStream in(&f); QString text= in.readAll(); QRegExp re_code("(?:<Code>)(?:.*)&(?!amp;)(?=.*</Code)"); text = text.replace(re_codigo,"&");
The problem is the match as already described in my previous reply.QRegExp re_code("((?:<Code>)(?:.*))(&)(?!amp;)(?=.*</Code)"); text = text.replace(re_code, re_code.cap(1) +"&");
You may want to try the code above. I have changed the last two lines only of your code block.
The text replaced is still the same, but it adds the part which is missing.
Note: this brain to keyboard and not really tested. It is not elegant in my opinion, but it is the only solution I see at the moment. Maybe someone with more regex experience has a better solution. -
@koahnig Hi, i did something that it works, but is a botched job xD, maybe it is usefull for anyone who reads this post. Now i can lie to Sax parse
QRegExp re_amp("&(?!.*<Code>)(?=.*</Code>)"); text.replace(re_amp,"&"); // QRegExp re_lt("(?!.*<Code>)<(?=.*</Code>)"); This works but i don't know why QRegExp re_lt("<(?!.*<Code>)(?=.*</Code>)"); text.replace(re_lt,"<"); QRegExp re_lt_fix("<(?=Code>)"); text.replace(re_lt_fix,"<"); QRegExp re_gt(">(?!.*<Code>)(?=.*</Code>)"); text.replace(re_gt,">"); QRegExp re_gt_fix("<Code>"); text.replace(re_gt_fix,"<Code>");
I tried to use QRegularExpression but it works different, I'll try again in a future. Thank you very much anyway.