error with creating static lib of log4qt
Background of my post:
i'd like to use log4qt as usual static lib for logging/tracing in my c++ project which should be created in vs2010. On my pc i have only QT Creator 3.2.2 based on Qt5.3.2 installed. In order to create log4qt.lib, i have tried to use te following pro file in qtcreator which is simply copied in Internet. However during building, i'm always getting the error
File Makefile.Debug doesn't exist.Now, my questions:
- what could be the cause for this error?
- do you have any working pro files to create a log4qt.lib?
- are there any better options to log/trace a qt project in vs2010?
Thousand thanks for your feedback in advance # Project file to build log4qt as dynamic library TEMPLATE = staticlib CONFIG += qt dll debug_and_release build_all log4qt-buildlib CONFIG(debug, debug|release):BUILD_MODE = debug else:BUILD_MODE = release TMP_DIR = $$PWD/tmp/$$BUILD_MODE OBJECTS_DIR = $$TMP_DIR/obj MOC_DIR = $$TMP_DIR/moc RCC_DIR = $$TMP_DIR/rcc UI_DIR = ui DESTDIR = $$PWD/lib/$$BUILD_MODE LOG4QT_LIBDIR = $$DESTDIR include(log4qt_common.pri) TARGET = $$LOG4QT_LIBNAME target.path = $$DESTDIR INSTALLS += target include(src/log4qt/log4qt.pri)
# Common file to be included in *.pro files to build/link against log4qt CONFIG += qt log4qt LOG4QT_VERSION = 5.3 LOG4QT_LIBNAME = log4qt-$$LOG4QT_VERSION !log4qt-buildlib { LIBS += -L$$LOG4QT_LIBDIR -l$$LOG4QT_LIBNAME INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/src }