Building qtcreator 3.3.0, Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: designercomponents-private
I'm trying to compile qtcreator 3.3.0 on an armhf (Omap5432-UEVM, debian jessie) system with qt5.3.2 & gcc 4.9.1 installed. While running the initial qmake -r I've run into a number of errors with unknown modules (script, help, quick, x11extras) and I was able to find the apt packages to download, but for this last error: "Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: designercomponents-private" I can't find the package that contains it.
I've searched the debian package repositories and QDesignerCompenents is listed but nothing with -private on it.
I found a source file on gitorius that seems to imply that designercomponents either used to be or is now the name.
So does anybody know how to get past this problem, what to install to get past this?