Segmentation fault when using QNetworkProxy
In my application i have a QUDPSocket and I want to use a network proxy, but as soon as i enable proxy after about 50secs i receive a segFault! but when I don't use QNetworkProxy I don't get any segfaults!
The thing is the connection is established with the server through proxy but after 50 secs of sending and receiving data, suddenly a segfault window is shown.Here is my code:
QNetworkProxy proxy;
// if I uncomment one of below lines i get a segfault
// QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(proxy);
// udpSocket.setProxy(proxy);
@Here is the Stack trace:
0 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54a65c6a
1 QSslSocket::setCiphers Qt5Networkd 0x548fc90c
2 QSslSocket::setCiphers Qt5Networkd 0x549488c3
3 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54d04b9d
4 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54d059aa
5 QAbstractScrollArea::setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy Qt5Widgetsd 0x5515233e
6 QAbstractScrollArea::setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy Qt5Widgetsd 0x5514fe54
7 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54cbc814
8 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54cc20c9
9 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54cbd6b5
10 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54d46cd4
11 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54d44a67
12 gapfnScSendMessage USER32 0x75fa62fa
13 GetThreadDesktop USER32 0x75fa6d3a
14 CharPrevW USER32 0x75fa77c4
15 DispatchMessageW USER32 0x75fa788a
16 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54d45b53
17 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54cb93ec
18 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54cb9552
19 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54a5036d
20 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54a504bf
21 QObject::destroyed Qt5Cored 0x54a596e5
22 beginthreadex MSVCR100D 0x5da2a273
23 beginthreadex MSVCR100D 0x5da2a204
24 BaseThreadInitThunk kernel32 0x7688338a
25 RtlInitializeExceptionChain ntdll32 0x771f9f72
26 RtlInitializeExceptionChain ntdll32 0x771f9f45 -
Here is my sample application:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);QByteArray arrData = "This is a test."; QHostAddress hostAddress; hostAddress.setAddress(""); QUdpSocket udpSocket; QNetworkProxy proxy; proxy.setType(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy); proxy.setHostName(""); proxy.setPort(1080); udpSocket.setProxy(proxy); if(udpSocket.writeDatagram(arrData, arrData.size(), hostAddress, 1195) == -1) { qDebug() << "writeDatagram failed"; return 1; } udpSocket.waitForBytesWritten(); return a.exec();
@It emits a segfault after about 50 secs and I don't know why!